| Submitted on 11/26/2008 |
I whined, and Ryan huffed. "Just run, now! Do it before its too late!" He growled at me, and shifted my eyes at Diamond. "Hmm, maybe this will be easier!" Diamond chuckled and lunged at me. My mind was working in a different way, I was thinking animal instincts. I dodged her, and first thing appeared in my mind appeared was to bite Diamond's neck. So I pounce on her, and bit into her neck. Biting into her flesh, seemed odd to me, I could taste her blood going into my mouth. She whimpered and shook me off. I was back on the ground. Diamond looked at me in suprise. I was growling and snarling like an wolf. I was supposed to be human but I am not anymore. I snarled unhumanly, and I lunged at her, making an powerful knockout blow to her. She fell on the ground with a yelp. She stared at me with her silver eyes. She bared her teeth at me, and she tilted her head towards the moon. She made an terrify howl. "Your life will be ended by others soon." Diamond smirked at me, and she got on fours, and trotted away. I flattened my ears, I could hear other creatures' paws beating on the ground already. "More Morian will come." Ryan said to me, and I was puzzled at what he said. Then I figured it out, Morian was the species' name of the creature. He groaned in pain, and he said, "I think I broke my right hind leg.." I flicked my eyes at him, I was pitying him. "What should we do?" I asked him, and he looked at me. "You should run away, leave me here.." His voice was softer now, more like an final farewell song to me. "No." I answered back in a firm voice. "I can't stand you being in pain and seeing your life to pass away!" He yelled at me angerily, and I huffed. "I will not leave you here to die." I spoke to him, and he looked at me with his sad eyes. "Then I can't forgive myslef, for you to die helping me." He spoke softly to me. I felt my tense face fall, and I felt a sting of pain inside of me. "But, there must be something to do to-" I spoke but then Ryan interupted me, "You must leave me to die. Your life does matter to Morians." He whipered to me. I shook my head, and said, "Then I will stay with you, keep you alive."
Ryan whined, and growled at me. "Why do you have to be stubborn?" He laughed, and I lightened up. "I was born to be stubborn for good." I grinned as I told him. "There she is! Finsh her!" An voice roared out of the nowhere. I gasped and turned my head towards the pack of Morians running towards me. I bared my teeth at them. They surrounded us. "Ha, ha, ha, look at the poor Yourn." One of the Morians jeered at him. I growled, and said, "Shut up!" They hooted with laughter. "It looks like there's two lovers here!" Other one spoke, his red eyes glowed at us. I glared at him, and I snarled. I bared my teeth, and yelled, "Prepare to die!" His expression fell, and I flattened my ears. I lunged at him, I sank my sharp fangs in his snout. He howled with pain, and I kicked him with my hind foots, senting him at least a three feet away from me. I noticed that I had blood on my fur from fighting. All others started to growl at me. I glanced at one of them, with tan fur. Then I gave him a knockout blow to him, making him to fall on the ground. "Look out!" Ryan yelled at me, as one of the Morians lunged at me from the behind, but then a flash of flaming red fur came front of me. The red Morian pinned the attacker from the behind. He was snapping at the attacker's neck. I raised my head, and looked at the last two standing Morians. I snarled and bared my fangs at them. They chuckled and lunged at me at the same time. I gasped in horror.
Thankfully, the red Morian knocked one of them down in the mid air. I took on other one. I used my back to knock him out, he yelped, and I landed. He was lying on the ground whining. I stepped up, and made a crunching blow to his head. I heard a crack, and he made a last yelp. Then he was dead after that. I looked at the alive ones, making a noble face at them. They feared of me, they ran away, yelping with fear. "Nice job, Tiaria." The red Morian spoke as he walked up to me. I bowed and, said, "My name is Brittany, not Tiaria." He chuckled, and said, "You are her. Tiaria is your Morian's name." He flashed a grin at me. He had golden eyes, bright red fur. One of his eyes was scarred. I thought he was blind in one eye but I may be wrong. Ryan whined in the background. I gasped and turned around. I trotted towards him, his eyes seemed pained, and he was panting. "Yourn..the cold one.." The red Morian spoke as he walked towards us. I looked at him, again his golden eyes seemed to pierce through the darkness. "You, what is your name?" I questioned the red Morian, and he bowed his head to us. "My name is Rusarion, meaning fire of depth." He answered to me, and I was tilting my head at him. He made a deep chuckle, and said, "You will get to know me well as I heal Yourn here." He glanced at Ryan and he looked at me. He nudged Ryan's paw, and he muttered sofly. Then all of the sudden, a glow came out of the sky. It was reddish, and firery. But at the same time, it seemed peaceful and warm to me. The glow went in Ryan's paw. Ryan made a groan, I knew that he was relived by the pain. Rusarion dipped his head and said, "Arieace Ney Healte." I did not understand the word he said. I figured that it must be the Wolfish Lanugage words. Ryan got up on his four paws, he was all ready to fight or defend. "Arferia Ney Healte Tayari." Ryan bowed to him as he spoke the wolfish lanugage words. Ryan gave me one glance and said, "You need to go home, and rest. You are not ready to meet the chief.." I bared my fangs at him. "I am too ready. I will meet him." I spoke stubbornly. Rusarion chuckled, and said, "You do need rest. Good night, Tiaria.." I was confused at what he said. My eyes drooped, and I felt my body lower, and I was on the ground. My thoughts disappeared, my hearing was gone, my eyesight was blurry, my animal insdicts went away. The next thing I knew, I was back into human being. My pj's was back on me. I didn't have fur all over me. This time, there was no pain at all. With my droopy eyes, I looked at Ryan still in his wolf form. I sighed, they both stared at me. "Thank you for the help, I shall take her home, and let her rest. She must forget all of this.." Ryan spoke to Rusarion, and I whimpered. I didn't want to forget all of this, I wanted to learn more. The desire to learn more was very strong. Ryan nudged me with his snout. He whispered in my ear, "Don't worry, just rest." Then I closed my eyes. I felt a breeze, I was on Ryan's back. Was it magic or not? How Morians can be so strong? Are they special kinds of wolves? I dug my fingers into his beautiful brown fur. I could hear Rusarion tell us good luck. Then cold brezees started to run over me, making me cold as Ryan ran amazingly across the baren land. I was hearing a voice in my head, a terrify voice, saying "You will perish. You will be covered in blood and scars." I shuddered, and I hear a deep rumble in Ryan's throat. "You probably will have nightmares of the future, I wish that you sleep well, I shall make a lullaby for you as we arrive home.." He spoke softly to me, I was listening to his words, they were melody to my ears, making me to drift off into my dreams of sweetness and good fortunes. Bright light started to shine on us, I squinted my eyes, I realized that we were back in town. Ryan jumped into the gate of my garden, and ran out to the backyard. I opened my eyes, my parents seem that they're not home. I jumped off Ryan's back. "You should go to sleep. I will tell you more tommorrow as you wish." Ryan spoke, and he looked at the moon. I nodded and went up to my balcony. The door was locked but I knew I hid my key under the mat. I moved my mat, and there was my key, lying there, waiting to be picked up. I picked up, and drove it into my bedroom balcony's doorknobs. I heard a click, and I went in, it was nice and warm rather than the outside, cold and harsh. I left my door open, I ran to my bed, laid on it, I couldn't wait to sleep. Then I heard a sad howl outside, I realized that was from Ryan, he was howling to rock me to sleep. The howl was chilling me but it was sweet and sad though. I drifted off in the sleep. The howl was still continuing, I was asleep soundly in my warm, and cozy bed. Later on, as I was sleeping, I heard a click, and a quiet slam. I opened my eyes. I looked at the shadow at my balcony doors. It was figure of a young man. Then it shifted into the shape of a wolf. I suspected that it was Ryan watching over me, making sure I don't get nightmares or run away to meet the cheif. I closed my eyes again, the next thing I knew, it was morning.
I yawned, I slid out of my bed, I looked at the end of my bed, Ryan there, sleeping in his wolf form. I sighed and treaded on the floor quietly, making a way out of my room. I went downstairs, my parents were not home, they were probably still at a police station, reporting that I was missing. I rubbed my eyes, strecthed my arms backwards, I must have sleep heavily. I walked to the kitchen, thinking what should I make. I looked at the clock, it was 9:30 Am, I overslept than usual.
I heard a snap outside, I froze, and looked outside, it was Rusarion coming in my backyard. I clenched my teeth, and went out to the backyard. "Hello Tiaria." He greeted me with a bow. I rubbed my head, and said, "Hello Rusarion, um what are you doing here?" He snapped his head up, and said, "There's more trouble. Humans are now being attacked by the Morians. I need to talk to Yourn." His ears flicked, and in a brezee, Ryan was there. He walked towards us, and flicked his hazel eyes at me. They seemed to jolt me with electricity. "No.. Morians would not attack humans.." He spoke harshly to him, Rusarion scoffed. "They would, to get Tiaria captured. They are looking for her. They wish to kill her, don't you understand?" Rusarion bared his fangs at Ryan as he spoke. "If they wish to kill me, then why aren't they here?" I questioned him, making angered face at him. I turned my back to them before Rusarion can answer. I ran into my house, I locked the doors and my balcony doors. I did not want to hear more things about my future death. I looked at the clock, I thought I should get dressed and ready to leave my house to search my parents. I went up to my room. I closed the blinds, and curtains. I took off my Pj's and threw them on my bed. I opened my dresser, looking what can I wear. I snagged a tee shirt with a smiley face on it. I looked in my closet, I took a pair of dark navy jeans out of there. I pulled my pants up and pulled my smiley shirt on. I also grabbed a black sweatshirt with white stripes on the sleves,just in a case if outside gets cold. I walked rashly to the bathroom, I looked at myslef in the mirror. My brown eyes seemed to burn into the mirror now, to me they seemed monster-like and reddish. I wasn't the same girl anymore, I was truly a monster now. My dark brown hair was all ruffled up. I combed it out with my brush. I brushed my teeth, and rinsed my face with cool, refreshing water. I was ready to leave my house. I went back in my room to get my sweatshirt and my purple purse. I opened my balcony door, I heaved a sigh, and shut the door. I was outside, a wind was rushing at me. Ryan and Rusarion was there waiting for me. I locked the door, made a big jump off the balcony, suprisingly I landed correctly, mostly I was a klutz and hurt myslef. This effect happens because of course, I am a Morian, techinally a wolf. Ryan stared at me, and scoffed. "You're not going anywhere." He told me with a growl in his voice. I ignored him, and walked out of the gate. I kept on walking, looking at the bare street. Nobody seemed to be awake yet. A hand grabbed my shoulder and yanked me back. It was Ryan. "Don't you dare to leave. It's too dangerous!" He warned me, and I felt a electric jolt go through me. I growled, and said, "I will leave, I am worried about my parents, I don't care if I die!" I can hear a grunt of frustation in Ryan's throat. He threw me to the ground, I was shocked how strong he was. "Oh, you don't care if you die, eh?" He growled with anger, and he transformed into a Morian. He was baring his teeth at me, and looked like he will attack me any moment. I clenched my teeth, and hissed. "Yourn! Don't try to hurt her. She just have a stubborn character." Rusarion told Ryan, and I scoffed. "He won't care. Why wolves even care that humans die? Just let me go!" I yelled at them. Ryan loosened his face, his baren teeth was gone, and his eyes softened. Rusarion made a disgusted expression. I rose off the ground, brushing the dirt off me. I shouldn't have said that. "Brittany..no..You are too stubborn! I will just kill you then!" Ryan yelled at me, and he lunged at me. I dodged so easily, he landed on four as he missed. Rusarion growled at Yourn. "You must not hurt her, the cheif will not forgive you!" Rusarion yelled at him, trying to protect me. "Let him have a go at me. Let's see if he can kill me.." I whispered to Rusarion. He winced a little, and shook his head. I closed my eyes in a blink, the pain was back again. I was transforming into my wolf form.
I was on four, waiting for Ryan to attack me. I snarled, and made ungutterly sound at him. I could feel my face crinkle into a snarling face with my fangs exposed to him. He snapped his teeth together, and made a knock out blow to me. I was on the soft, grassy ground. I made a glance at Ryan, and got up. I made a head start at running then I lunged at him. I nipped his ears, and snapped at his neck. He yelped and collapsed to the ground. I had my back towards him, I was looking at surpised Rusarion. Again, I had blood on my gray fur, my mouth tasted like blood also. I heard growling, and I turned around.
Ryan was squinting his eyes at me, his teeth was bared at me. I crinkled my face again at him, and we ran towards each other. I clamped at his snout, and I dragged him foward. I hit him with my paw with unsleathed black claws. He yelped, his blood started to appear at his snout, four jagged bloody lines was on his snout. His chest was too, bloody. He crinkled his face at me again, he clamped at my throat, and threw me against the cold ground. I started to bleed at my throat, I whimpered, and tried to get up but now I was weaker than ever. He snarled at me, baring his fangs at me, I flicked my ears down, and closed my eyes. The snarling stopped, and I opened my eyes, I saw Ryan back into his human form. "You are afraid of death, yet you try to hide that. You don't have any pride. You never deserve to die and be a Morian. You will not have your pride." Ryan spoke to me, I was whimpering at the pain. "I will.. no.. I don't want to die.. I want to live.. I want to be with my parents.. and friends back at my old home.. I want my life.. back.. I don't really deserve this.." I whispered, my voice was hardly was there. Ryan looked at me with pity, I felt my tear sting my eyes. "We will help you. You may get what you wish." Rusarion promised to me, and I looked at him, he was dipping his head to me. I transformed back into my human form. I shook my head in confusion, and sorrow. I felt someone's warm arms wrapped around me. It was Ryan. "It's okay. You're safe.." He whispered in my ear. He picked me up in his strong arms. My throat was in a unbearable pain, and blood was all over me. "You will need to clean up." Ryan told me, and I nodded. He swayed me in his arms, and walked inside of my house.
He set me on the chair in the kitchen. I was shaking uncontrolablly with fear and coldness. Ryan looked at me, and as he looked at me, I could see the wounds I gave him on his face. His face was all strached up. "I am really sorry for what I did.." I said, my voice was hardly there. Ryan sighed, he closed his eyes, and said, "It's alright. These wounds will heal under in five seconds." I didn't belive him that his wounds would heal under in five second. But then, his face's wounds faded away, his face was all new again, not even scarred. "What about me..?" I asked him, about the wound I had. He smiled, and said, "It will heal too but not fast as mine. I will fix it right now." "How are you going to fix it? How come my wounds won't heal faster than yours? I am a Morian just like you." I scowled at him madly. He went over to the sink, he snagged a dish washcloth from the sink. He rinsed it out with water, and he turned towards me. "Now, don't urge yourslef to talk. You are in much bigger pain than I am." He warned me, and I obeyed him. He dabbed the washcloth on my throat. The wetness was warm and moist, my wound stung me like fire, I was about to scream with pain. But Ryan placed his cold hand on my mouth. "Don't scream. Please, people will think I might be murdering someone.." He spoke, his eyes stared straight at mine, they seemed to lure me away from the pain. He removed his hand, and kept on pressing the wash cloth on my bleeding throat. The pain went away. "Is that better?" He asked me as he took off the wash cloth. I nodded feebly, my throat was not bleeding anymore, the pain, thankfully was gone. "Do you have a big bandage or not?" He asked me as he scanned my throat. I smiled weakly, and said, "I don't have any, sorry." I rose off my seat, and Ryan stared at me. "Anywhere else is hurt?" He asked me again, I shook my head, there was a sctarching sound at the kitchen door. Ryan opened it, and Rusarion jumped in. "Why won't you let me in!?!" Rusarion yelled at us. I laughed softly, and said, "I don't allow wolves in my house." Rusarion flicked his ears and made a glare at me. "Of course you do." He said, pointing his snout at Ryan. I shrugged, Rusarion made a growling sound at me. "Then shall go into my human form?" He said out loud, that caught my attention, I never had seen him in his human form. Ryan nodded slowly, and Rusarion grinned. He blinked once, his eye's colors changed, they were brown like mine but more deeper and darker. His fur slowly faded as he stood up crooked. He was into his human form. He was shirtless, he had pair of black jeans on. His chest was pale as moon. His hair color was unusal, it was more like golden color like the sun, just a hint of red on his spiky hair. His face was different than I thought. He looked almost the same as Ryan but just more slimmer, and paler than Ryan's. I am not saying that Ryan is fatter than his face but it just seems like it, Ryan's face was better than Rusarion's face though. More sadness, and pain seemed to always there at Ryan's face. I actucally loved it, it was handsome but it also pained me every time he looked at me. "Um, do you have a shirt that can I borrow from your dad's?" Rusarion asked me, I nodded. "I will get one for you." I told him, I went upstairs, I heard him mutter something about me, I felt a surge of anger come inside of my chest but I shook it off. I went into my parents' room, I shouldn't be doing this but I had to help Rusarion though, I scurried through the dresser, I found a blue plaid shirt, my new dad never wore this, I suppose that Rusarion wear this. I snagged it out, and moved the clothes the way it were. I closed it silently, I got out the room, ran downstairs faster than I usually do. I gave the shirt to Rusarion, he put it on, he looked better now. Rather going chest bare all day. "Thanks.." I heard him mutter to me, I smiled the brightest one I can do, and said, "No problemo!" I sensed something wrong, I cringed. Ryan looked straight at me, he frowned. "Anything wrong, Brittany?" He questioned me, I glanced at him and Rusarion one time. "I think someone coming in.." I spoke quietly. Ryan perked up so did Rusarion. "I heard it too.. we better go outside!" Rusarion whispered, and a thud came out in the living room. I flinched at the noise, am I having a robber in my house. I squinted my eyes at the shadow. "Come on.." Ryan tugged at my arm, I shook my head. I ran to the drawer, and drew out a longest knife. Ryan stared at me with wide eyes. "Brittany, you better not.." He warned me before I would attack. I ignored him, and jumped out right front of the intruder. He was bigger than I thought. He had black hair, his eyes were red, and he grinned at me. "Well, hello there Tiaria.." He greeted me, I gasped at the horror of him saying my wolf name. He drew out a rifle. "So you and your demon friends are staying here?" He spoke a harsh and deep voice. I backed away a step. He seemed to point the rifle at me. Ryan ran behind me to see what is going on. "Brittany! No, not another time.." Ryan yelled in angony. He made an angered face at the intruder. "Ah, the cold one is here, you're first." The man said with a savage smile, I was shaking so hard, I couldn't hold the knife in my hand. Ryan growled in anger, and snagged me into his arm. "No, you are first!" Ryan yelled at him, I was in his strong arms, swaying me a little. I stared at them, I realized that guy was a hunter of the Morians. I thought I should fling the knife at him like a ninja would do. I concreated, and flung the knife straight at his right shoulder. "Agggh! You little.." He cursed under his breath, and pointed the rifle at us. I heard a loudest bang I ever heard in my life. The bullet has been shot, flying towards us, waiting for us to die from that. A blur came at my eyes, a rush of brezee came at me, Ryan was dodging easily with me in his arm. I was amazed how strong he can be. He wasn't human at all of course.
"You okay?" Ryan asked me with his eyes boring into me. I nodded feebly. "You shouldn't dodge at all. I thought demons like to die with pride." The man chuckled, he plucked the knife, and flung it on the floor. It was slattered with blood, so was the floor. Ryan growled deeply, and he made a move backwards to the door. The man looked at us, and shook his head. "You two are together? Demon and a human.. How foolish. But it doesn't matter, I will just kill you both." He spoke with a grunt in his voice. Ryan winced at what he said, I looked at his face, it was pained more than ever. "I do not care about this human. I just have to protect her for the goddess of wolves and my cheif!" He told the intruder, and I felt a twinge of pain in my heart. I was just betrayed, wasn't I?
Chapter 4 The Truth
"Oh really?" The intruder taunted Ryan, he smirked at us. Ryan still had the pained face but it got worse and worse. I did not know what to do. I think I was just betrayed by wolves, no wait, demons. "You're a wretched creature! Let's go of me! You stupid monster!" I screamed with anger at Ryan. Ryan looked at me with surpise and dropped me on the floor. I was sobbing, and I shook my head to stop the crying. My tears stung my eyes, then I heard a heavenly voice ring in my head, it was saying, "You do have feelings for the creatures. You are the creatures' guardian, or perphaps a goddess? You have known them in a long time so do not try to defy them..." It was a female's voice speaking to me. I stared at the floor wide-eyed, I am a goddess? "Hmm..I will finsh you first." The man said, and I looked up. I made an angered face. "You shall not hurt me and I will make you perish!" I spoke with a slow and low voice. The man's face fell expressionless. I stood up straight, I clenched my teeth. I was someone else, I just know it but I seem not to grasp it. "Celenia have returned." The man spoke, and grinned. He pointed his gun at me, and Ryan was screaming no in horror. I did not fear anything. Nothing appeared in my mind. I waited for him to pull the trigger. The bullet sped out of the rifle. I saw it with my own eyes. I muttered something under my breath, and a glowing crystal-like mirror came front of me. The bullet was shattered into pieces as it hit the magicial mirror. Winds started to whirr around me, my hair fluttered as it spun around me. The intruder cursed under his breath and said, "Celenia, it's so nice to see you again." I grinned, and broke the mirror into shattered pieces. "Yes, I am back into my own flesh." I spoke, I had someone's else spirit inside of me, controlling me?
"Ahh, Brittany, you will be fine, I will take over your body for now." Celenia spoke in my mind, and I nodded. A white flash came to my eyes, I couldn't see anything but darkness. "Hello.." I spoke out in the darkness, I didn't understand what was going on. Then there was something glowing very dimly, I don't know what it is but I altered my eyes in the other direction. I saw a wolf, with wings. It was white, it's eyes were glowing blue. "Brittany..." It spoke to me, and I blinked my eyes twice. "What..what? Going on?" I said, tears going to my eyes. "You will be alright..." It spoke to me, and I realized it's Celenia. "Celenia!" I spoke to her, and she looked at me. She seemed to smile, and said, "Bye...You can have your body back.." Then she disappeared like a wisp. I shook my head, then everything seemed to come back to me. I was on fours. "Huh?" I spoke, and I looked at myslef. Ahh, I am in my wolf form now. I looked up and I saw the intruder. He was pointing the gun at me. I bared my teeth, and flattened my ears. He flipped his rifle around, and smacked me right in my face. I let out a yelp, and I heard a thud. That was me, slamming against the floor. "That's for flinging the knife into my shoulder!" He yelled at me curtly, and I huffed. "You're a sore loser that needs to die!!" I growled madly and I got on my fours. I ran straight at him, making a jump and made my head crooked. I snapped my jaws together on his neck, I could hear crunching and spurting sounds as I sunk my teeth in. He made out a grunt, and I felt him fall backwards on the floor. I let go, and there was blood all over him. He laid there dying, and twitching. "You will die anyways.. fo-for sur-e.." He spoke his last words. I sighed, and looked over my shoulders. There was Rusarrion and Ryan looking at me shocked. I crinkled my snout, and chuckled. I gave them a hard, cold stare. "What do you expect of me, being a demon wolf?" I spoke hurtfully to them, and I could see Ryan cringe at that. "Celenia?" Ryan questioned me, and I looked at him. "No, and I refuse to be her." I answered curtly. I reverted back into my own human form. I looked outside, the sun was up high in the sky. I sighed, and I felt myself lurch a little. I grunted, and got up. I went over to the dinner table, then I passed out. I heard Ryan yell behind me. I was back into my own nightmare, that is just great. That same wolf again, growling the same words again. "Just shut up would you?" I told him curtly, and he looked at me like I was crazy. Hah, maybe I am crazy, or as well insane. "Well, well I guess Celenia made you into a cold beast now." The wolf spoke to me gruffly, and I huffed. "I don't care anyways. Who wants me? I don't have anything special about me." I responded back to him, and he laughed. "Really?" He asked, and he showed his frightening, yellow, and sharp fangs. Maybe I do care but I just seemed so careless. I am just dumbfounded, and I am clueless what am I doing. I mean how can this all happen to me in two days? When I just moved in here. I sighed, and I realized, could be this all a dream? A long dream that lived so long? The wolf looked at me curiously, and said, "You okay?"
I snapped up, and looked at him. "No. And why would you care?" I asked, and he laughed. "You're sick, Brittany...You are sure burning up.." He spoke to me, and I was puzzled. Bam, I woke up, in own bed, with my parents in my room. "Brittany?" My step dad questioned me, and I looked at both of my parents. The sun was peeking through my blinds. I swung my legs over to my side, and heaved a sigh. So it was all a dream.. All along. I snapped up to my attention. "Where's Ryan?" I asked my parents, and they looked at me as I were crazy. "Kiddo...You must been very sick, huh.." My step dad spoke, and I gave them the 'what?' look. "Of course you know him! He's all wolf, and he almost attacked you!" I yelled at him, and my mom gave a worried look. She placed one of her hands on my forehead. "Well she's not burning up now." She responed to my step father. "Eh?" I said, and they chuckled. "You should be ready to go to school by tommorrow." My mom told me, and I widened my eyes. School? Holy crow, I forgot about school! I jumped right up, and I went through my drawers. "Oh she might be ready for today..." My dad whispered to my mom. "Out of my room, now!" I yelled at them, and they scrambled out of my room. I put on my black tank top, with goth black jeans on. I put a sleak, black jacket over my tank top. Volia. I ran out of my room, and went downstairs looking for my parents. "So I was sick all long?" I asked them, and they laughed. "Yes of course you were. But you were acting werid though. You would mumbling Celenia, Celenia, Stop." My mom told me, and I felt my hair stand on its own ends. "Really?" I asked again, I am sure I am annoying them, and they looked at me again. "Yes. Really. Do think your parents would lie to you?" My dad questioned me, more like teasing me. I huffed, and I thought this was werid. It was a dream, and I woke up from it. I don't remember being sick at all or even getting sick! This is sure odd. "Honey, go brush your teeth and your hair, and go to school. Your school bus will come in fifteen minutes so hurry up!" My mom warned me, and I nodded slightly. I went upstairs once again, brushed my teeth until they were sparkly white and straightened my hair with my black brush. I went into my room, I found my black and blue backpack by my balcony door. I grabbed them, and I looked up to the mountain. It looked foggy today. Strange... I tried to think wolf but nothing happened so I went downstairs. Kissed my mom good-bye, and said good bye to my father, and I went outside to the school bus. Why am I being so normal? Why am I so shaky? I heaved a sigh, and went into the tainted yellow school bus. "Welcome new Stranger." The school bus driver spoke to me as I went in. I went in the back. No one was sitting there so I just sat anywhere I wanted. The high school kids were staring at me as I was an forgein creature. Maybe I was a one until my dream ended. I looked down, and then the bus started to move again. I leaned against the window, thinking so hard about the dream, how I got sick and all that. It's immpossible. When we went around the corner, I saw the excat same shop I seen in my dream, and the bus stopped right there. There he was. The wolf boy. He was looking at Bridgette and Rob, and saying good byes to them. They waved good bye to Ryan as he went in. The people started to whispered right away when he came walking towards to the back. I became eager but the students were chatting nervously. When he arrived at where I sat. "Yo, that's my seat, new kid." He told me, and everyone started to laugh at me. I blushed a little, and I looked at him. "Um, are you Ryan? Do you remember me?" I asked him when I got out of his seat. I sat in the seat front of his spot. He shot me a look, his eyes again burned me, and I looked right away. "Why yes I am Ryan and...No, I do not remember you, retard." He curtly answered back, and I looked up to him. My eyes started to tear up, and everyone started to laugh at me. I ran out of the bus, I dropped my backpack, and I was looking up at the foggy mountain. How could all of this happen? Why? Why do I have to suffer?
Breath Of Danger Part 3
Here's my third part! I think this one is the longest part of all! xD
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