• A Vampire's Love
    Chapter Four: The Accident

    Later on that day, we walked further and further down the narrow path. Fist, we hear rustiling to our lert, then to our right. I clench my teeth as I grab onto Alexander's arm. Alexander senses something to our right and then to our left. He just ignored it. All of a sudden to my surprise, something jumps out of the bushes and attacks me. Alexander's eyes turn bright-blood red and he kicks the monster in the face. The monster runs away leaving me in a pool of blood...my blood. Alexander looks at me and tries to hold back the urge to drink my blood. Slowly dying I tell Alexander. "Change me if you wish...if not...leave me..." I say trembling. "I...can't make that...mistake...I don't...want to...change you..." Alexander says about to cry. He then lets go of my hand and turns away. Halfway down the path, he turns back and gets a hold of my neck and bites down slowly, taking my life and giving me a new one. The next day, I wake up in the morning in a room I didn't know. I look out the window to see where I am and I felt a sting when the sunlight touched me. I look at my stomach where the monster attacked me and all there was were scars. Alexander walks into the room. "AH! COVER THAT WINDOW!" "Oh. OH! SORRY ALEX!" I say feelin gbad. "Why'd you? How'd you? How come you didn't...?" Alexander thinks outloud confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Oh. Nothing. I was just wondering how your injuries healed that fast." Says Alexander. We both looked at eachother confused and looked down at my almost healed scars.