• The fire was in an uproar... The lights were explodeing one by one, our screames weren't going to be heard over the crackel of the fire. Our campers and tents were being swallowed by the ferocious fire. My mother, five other camp-mates, and I were terrified. Traped. And at any moment could be eaten by the monster.

    The fire was created by a faint little spark of our camp fire. The pine leaves were so dried out and fossilezed that they sparked, almost instantly. The bushes were next, than the trees, than our camp was eaten entirely... We had no way to put this untamed fire, out.

    The little 3 year old who was sleeping in the tent, went first. Colpletely taken by the fire. Her mother was in shock because she was with her. She went next. It was me, my mother, James, Alex, & Ryan.

    Alex was scared to his wits. Stupid as he was, he ran straight into the gasoline bucket. He triped over it, spilling it all over him, and straight into the fire. GULP. So I guess that made him 3rd.

    So Ryan, James, Me and my mother.

    I was waiting for the fire to hit me, when I was swept off my feet. James had grabed me off the rock, and pulled me towards the clear area. I was crying, waiting for my mother to come into view. 5 minuets went by, and James sat next to me. (At that time we knew we were gonners.) James was practically on my lap, when he pulled up my sagging, head from my knees. And took my head into his own hands. He spoke clearly, he told me... "Your mother is gone. She was taken over by the fumes. We were to far away to grab her. I'm sorry."

    I leaned into his chest and sobbed some more. When what seemed like a milisecond. A scream was heard. RYAN! We ran towards the scream, there he was. Silent... burning. And dead.

    We were to the point in a forest fire where you kinda give up lay down and wait to die. When light were flashing, and voices. Than cold water was being poured on my face. And two strng hands pulling me up to the light.

    I woke up in total light. I thought I had died. And was in heaven. Than a mask was being put over my face. And than James was next to me. Saying your ok. There just going to run you in and do a test...

    They did do tests. Blood tests, skin tests, and physical tests. When I woke again, I looked over to the left, and there was James. Waiting for me to awaken. I slowly got up. And walked over to him. I sat next to him, and winced at the pain, when I sat. I tried to ignore it. I grabed his hand, put them on my face. Than mine on his. I said thanks for trying to save me and my mom. And with procaution, kissed him.

    My mothers funeral was two weeks later. And so was mine. I died from skin infection, and loss of blood. James was so depressed, that when he heard of my death. He went into a depression. They later found his body. With a knife in his chest. And a suicide note in his hand.

    The fire killed people. And even after it was out. It still killed. So that just proves how dangerous fires are.