• It Has Begun

    The stars, flickering like polished diamonds on a black velvet sky. Like ghosts, disappearing at sun’s first light and reappearing at nightfall. From dusk till dawn these reminders of light haunt my every breath, watching me, following me, judging my every move. It is this raw fear that now fuels my actions.

    Whenever I try to fall asleep I can hear them whispering, taunting me wherever I turn. This feeling of being watched, this raw, primal fear is what makes me dread nightfall so. Most people would call this a sickness, a problem for which I should seek help. A few months ago, upon the urging of my friends, I did. The sickness went away for a while; I was living a normal life, until last night. I was suddenly seized with uncontrollable fear, I barricaded myself in the basement for fear that ‘they’ were after me. When the sun finally rose and I saw the sunlight seeping through the cracks in the floorboards, I knew that I must seek help. I have been trying to find someone to help me, to hide me from my ghostly pursuers, but I fear all hope is lost.

    Please, hide me, I heard them whispering about coming to end me. I must find refuge before nightfall. Come, we haven’t much time, it is almost dusk. Do you have anywhere that would be safe? No, no, you think I’m crazy, that’s why you refuse to help me. All of you think I’m crazy. I’ll show you, I challenge you to come out after nightfall, when you are all soundly asleep, I’ll prove it to you. The stars are evil beings, flung into space for fear of their true power. They are coming for me, those so-called ‘symbols of hope’. They are evil! Oh, no. The first star has risen, I can hear it calling to its evil brethren. It has begun…