• Tree houres after the assaination of Gunta Hira, the wold famus creator of the Achilles Defenec-Grid, I stood on the roof of my safehouse. After winding, seemingly endless allyways and back streets, always pusued by sirens, I stood in the silence, welcoming it with opean arms. Then I noteced the lightheadedness and the blur in the edges of my vision. I sat down breathing hard. I needed my serum.( Now dont get e wrong. Im not an addict. It's not for a kick. My body is differnt than yours. It's incapable of making nutiants. So once aweek i need a shot of a nutreant serum provided by my employer)Even with my handycap i pulled out a small black case from my back pocket. After I pulled out a thin seringe about four incheslong, all I had to do was pop the top, press the safety button on the back, and slide the short, broad needle into the back of my hand. As I sat watching the Crimson of the suplunent flow into my hand i felt sharp and sure-headed again. Mineuts later i stood again and jumped into the ally below.
    someone was Waiting for me. It was the woman from before. Without thinking i snatched my knife from my hip. I put it to her throught, making sure she felt the tip. And before I knew it so many questions flew from my mouth"Who are you? Where are you from? Why are u here?" and after a moment, mutch more quietly"Why didnt you tell anyone I was there?"
    She didnt flinch. Didnt even blink. She just stared at me with those engulfing brown eyes. Then with a voice as smooth as silk she answered" Im here to incline a proposition. And what good is a proposion to a dead man?"
    "All you need to know is that i work for a group called Direct. And we want you."
    " Im sorry, but I only work for my currnt employer."
    "We dont want to hire you. We want to help you."
    "The serum."
    "How do you know about that?" I said lowering the knife
    "I'll be at the Halmark Ballrooms restraunt for the next three days. If you decide to show up, We'll answere all your qusetions." She turnd and started out of the ally then added"So long, Jax"Then she dissapeard around the corner.
    Jax. How did she know my true name? My mind was so overwelmed by this that I faild to notice that i had inadvertantly walked into the safe house. And the fact that in the center past all the boxes of weapons, amo and supplies were five men. Four I didnt know but the short, bearded man I knew as my keeper, The man who was incarge of me. Also what escaped me wasthe smell of gasoline.
    The bearded man was sitting at a small wooden table looking sadder than usual. I approched him with no hesitation. No fear.then, When I was practicly face to face withhim(remeber the table was there)i said"Felix, whats with the gas and the goons?"
    "Nice Job today."
    "Dont change the subject.Why are you here? Devry has always given me free righn."
    Felix looked almost apologetic."Im sorry kid. But Devry sees that you've out lived your purpose."
    Then I noticed that one of the strangers,one with closer-cropped blond hair held one of my serums."It's amasing" he said in a hollow tone"I hold a full week of your life in my hand." He smiled viciously at me and brock the seringe in half. Staring at him with daggers for eyes, I watched him carlessly toss the broken seringe into a scattering of more. All brocken."Oops."
    "It's been a hellova six years kid." said felix reaching into his jacket"But good bye" He ad fully drawn his pistol by now.
    All I did was react. I kicked the table up into Felixs hnad knocking away the pistol.Then in only one fluid motion Idrew the knife, slashed Felix's throught and still in motion sent thr blade plunging into the electrick control box sending the room into darkness. And before the others could react I ran in one direction. Too late. the room was filled withatomattic gunfire. A bullet scraped up some flesh on the back of my left thigh. This threw me off balance and i was sent sprawling to the flore. I hit hard but it didnt feel right. I'd landed on Felix's pistol.
    I grabbed it and rolled, as the sound of me falling drew their fire. Once i stopped rolling, i fired three quick rounds at the nearset flash. That made sure it never flashed again. Then the light of an opean dore hit my face and i saw the blod standing in the frame. Lazaly, almost beutifly a lit lighter flew from his hand.
    The gas.
    Thee dore closed and i got to my feet just as the lighter struck cement setting the gas that coverd it ablase. I went to the other dore, the one in which id enterd. Locked. The expanding flames lit my now wide eyes.

    The blond got into an unmarked car just outside of the burning building. Imedeatly he took out his cellphone and diled Devry's number. After afew rings he picked up
    "What is it Brendon?" He said Agrivated as ever.
    "We got the kid. And He got rid of Felix for us."
    "Looks like we got an extra use out of him. Felix would have talked. And we dont want that ,now do we."
    "No sir."
    "Good. There is a loose end however."
    "A woman, I dont know how but she knows. She is now checked into the Halmark Grand Hotel. Eliminate her."
    "With plesure."Devry hung up just as the word left brendons mouth.Insensitive jerk. With a sigh Brendon put the car in drive and headed off. Right past the approching emegency vehicles

    I stood on a ledge ocross the street from the now burning building watching the car pull away. Watched untill it disapread into that concreet jungle. though I was bloodied and brusied I was still sharp. I had wondered what to do about the woman. Looks like my mind had been made up for me.