• have u ever had a feeling like you were being watched,i get that alot.but im too scared to look around.so i picutre a monkey....on a unicylce.....playing clown music...going dodododo lululu!

    sorry thats sumtin random i made.,ers the real excuse.

    so one day my teacher asked me"hey,wheres your project. i was like"well it invovles a monkey,tiger and a duck.well i was walking ,when i saw a duck.it was going quack.so i chased after it.now let me tell u i had to go to skool that morning and i had my backpack and everything nice and ready.well as i chased the duck a tiger appeared and gobbled the duck up. i was horrified to were i couldnt move.the tiger slowly walked around me.then pounced at me.we wrestled a little bit,and i was able to get it off me.then i took off running.the tiger was tailing me.i kept running like hell.then a monkey appeared and i was like "ello monkey cant talk now im running from a tiger." but little did i know the monkey was the tigers helper,so the monkey jumped on my head pulling my hair.i screamed.i kept running tripping on twigs and rocks.then i tripped again,but i couldnt get up because right infront of me was the tiger.i froze.the tiger showed its teeth at me like it was ready to bite me.but instead sniffed my backpack.it wanted my lunch.i tried to get the bag open but i kept fegiting.then i got it open.and i threw the lunch bag all the way to the other sie.it dashed after it.but little did i know that wasnt my lunch bag.that was my project.so i hurried over here to tell you."then she said"then why do you look so clean?"and i said"well i thought it would be rude to come here looking like a hobo so i went and got all cleaned up."i did get yelled at but my teacher said that it was a very interesting excuse.lol guess i should start doing my projects.