• Dori couldn't believe that Malacai would THAT mean. "And another thing, Dori ,why are you such a slut i mean 6 boyfriends in the last 5 months c'mon!"His words stung her heart as her mind searched for a comeback. "Frankly, i don't give a damn what you think." And she walked off. Fast enough not to look like she was running away and quick enough to get to the bathroom before she busted into tears.Why did he treat her so badly? She had never done anything bad to him that he didn't start. It had been that way since 7th grade Texas history. They were friends, got into a fight {which he always started}, and things got awkward till a week or so later. She thought that maybe since they were seniors things would be different.

    Malacai slammed his fist into the lockers when everyone left. Why every time he got the courage to tell Dori how he felt he somehow ended up fighting with her and making her cry. Now that every one had left he ran towards the bathroom. "Dori! Dori! I'm sorry i didn't mean it. I was angry i got a lot of things on my mind lately. Dori I'm sorry please come out." He could tell which stall she was mostly because stalls don't sob and have long purple socks on. "Go away Malacai!" said Dori half way between a yell and a cry. She was doing that cry where you sniffle and cough. He hated it when girls cried.

    When she heard the door open, she knew it was Malacai. As he yelled for her All she could do was sob even harder. Why was she crying? So many things were racing her mind that she didn't even notice Malacai had opened the door to her stall.

    Malacai didn't even know what he was doing before all his emotions caught up with him. He sat down and hugged her. It was the longest hug either had had for a long time. After that they sat down and enjoyed a very comfortable silence.