• My whole body surged with strength and pride as I ran with my pack. In my powerful jaws I held a bundle which cradled a pup in his skin. On my back was a pack, tightly fastened so that it won’t be lost. I ran in the center of the pack afraid of being left behind.
    “Clay, take the hunters to the east. Make sure no other packs are close by.” David commanded. He was the one who took this pack from my father and forced us to move. Because of him my father is now a loner and I will have to fight in the bitches quarrel to become alpha. Even though the thought of being his mate makes me sick.
    My pack came to a halt as the hunters went ahead. I headed to a small bunch of bushes and changed from wolf to girl. I slipped on a blue sundress I had packed in my bag. After I was changed I picked up the pup, Bryan, and walked back to my pack. Most of the pack had changed back to their skins, the others refused to change until we knew if we were staying or not. David went from b***h to b***h, romancing and making them turn against each other. When he had only me left he smirked at me and walked over.
    “Well, Ally, my sweet, are you ready to become my queen?”
    “First my name is Alla, not Ally! And second I’ll never be your queen.” I spat. David wrapped his arms around me, making me hold Bryan closer to my heart and quickly.
    “Come on, Hun. Think about it you’ll be on top again.” He said leaning his head inches from my neck. I pushed away fiercely and looped a few feet away from him before turning around.
    “I would rather mate with an omega then be on top and by your side at the same time.” I spat before I left, walking in my normal bouncy steps. The pack had about seen their limits. With the way David was running us the young ones wouldn’t last one more day. We all needed rest and the evidence was apparent on the faces of all in their human skins and even some in their furs. Bryan whimpered in my arms and almost automatically I held him up and tried cooing him to a peaceful state again. The poor boy I saw whining in my hands was orphaned when David exiled his father alongside mine. His mother had died along with his twin in the birth process. Everyone says Bryan was the lucky one for being first born, but I see it as a curse for this poor child. He will grow without a true mother’s touch or his father’s strong words. I pulled him in close to my chest again and hugged him as tightly as I could without hurting him. I sunk to my knees, tears stinging my eyes, not caring the eyes on me, wondering if I had finally cracked. I knew this boy’s future pains so well. My mother had died as well, protecting my father from David, and my father was exiled for not listening to the too proud puppy who thought he was the true leader of this pack.
    “Alla?” A deep male voice whispered next to my right ear. It was my friend Tiawaz, named after the warrior rune. His arms wrapped around Bryan and me, laying his head on the top of mine. He knew it was getting harder for me to stay here, to stay with a pack that treated me like an outcast for the simple reason they didn’t want any reminders of our fair leader who was banished. Tai let one of his hands pat down my hair, trying to comfort me to sleep like I did Bryan. “Shhh, shhh. It’s alright, Alla. Please don’t cry.” I hadn’t noticed the silent tears that slowly danced down my cheeks until he pointed it out, but once I did I couldn’t stop them. I let myself be engulfed by my sorrows and desires.
    Tai stood, picking me up bridal-style as he did, and carried me and Bryan to a small area that was hidden in shadow. He sat me on a bolder and took a fold-up play pin off his back and set it up for the sleeping boy. When he was done he took Bryan from my tired arms and placed him inside. After the baby was settled Tai came back to me, pulled me into a laying position next to him on the ground, and laid next to me. He truly was my best friend and the only one I could trust to stay by myself in this pack now a days.