The world is an amazing place, and there is always so much to see. Irella and I are flying over most of it, on our way to meet the Order to receive our mission. There has been some mysterious trouble in the southerlands, and the Order of the Hidden Witch has decided that it is too dangerous to send the instructions over a transit spell. Somewhat dismayed, we fly onward with troubling thoughts.
“The world hasn’t had much trouble over the past three hundred years, Irella.” I say softly, eyeing the worried look on her face, “Knowing the orders’ tendency to overreact, I’d say we’re simply being sent to stop the centaurs from their usual fighting, Nature knows how rambunctious they can become,” Irella smiled softly, a fond memory of one of our first missions swimming to the surface of her mind.
“I know, Acalan, but sometimes I can’t help but worry. If it’s something so normal, then why are they requesting a private audience with us? Why not simply send us their orders?” She shook her head, tapping the broom once to lead it higher, rising above the clouds. “I mean, I get a bad feeling about it, something isn’t right. Nature seems somewhat stressed right now.”
Irella was a nature witch, monitoring the natural world so as to advise the Order when they were overstepping nature’s control. She is the head of her division, and both she and I are often sent on missions that deal with nature becoming out of balance, such as centaurs becoming too outlandish in their magic usage when fighting each other. We were lucky, being born centuries after one of the worst wars in history, where people in out position ended up dead or worse more often than not. Still, the job needed to be maintained, as random things would occasionally pop up, such as an ancient monster from before the war suddenly being uncovered. Thankfully, that didn’t happen so often, and when they were uncovered, they were simply too weak to hide any longer.
It was Irella’s turn to look at me in concern, “You shouldn’t worry so either, you’re certainly giving me no confidence by looking so morose.” I flicked my tail back and forth once, the equal of a human grin.
“Of course, dear Irella, I’m simply tired of traveling, we haven’t had enough rest between stops.” And it was true, our last mission had been to convince the trees in a forest on the other side of the world to stop the trees from reaching their roots into a local well, damming up the water source for nearby villagers. Arguing with a tree as to why they should search for water elsewhere was more than difficult, especially at the rate they thought. Slower than grass growing and more boring than watching the tectonic plates move.
“Then take a nap, you know I won’t drop you,” Irella grinned, remembering my first fear of flying on a small stick of wood with twigs at one end. I had absolutely refused, but then she told me about special charms that were designed to keep the rider on the broom, unless the rider should choose to dismount of his/her own will. I smiled as well, curling up on the front end of the bewitched broom, sticking my nose under my warm paws. Within seconds, I was asleep.
Journal #1 Introduction
Mrowl! It’s very nice to meet you, I am called Acalaneko. It’s what my human calls me. I am her familiar cat, and I help her with her witching work. She calls herself Irella, and she belongs to the Lawful Order of the Witch, and she does their good karma work. It is a good job, and I don’t mind helping her, which is key to a good human/familiar relationship. This is our journal that I write in for us, and I promise to start documenting our adventures!
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