• Leiko and Suichi sat on their heels behind a bush on their street with Kiera and Biru between their legs so that they could keep an eye on Mr. Hiro’s house, Meicho and Yuki were about ten feet away from them behind another set of bushes with Alberic and Aila.

    They had decided that when night fell they would storm Mr. Hiro’s household and destroy him before he got a chance to regroup with the rest of the dark master’s minions,

    “I Haven’t seen any activity in his house all day, are you sure he’s even home?” Leiko said as she sat on her bottom on the cold grass as she looked up at the darkening sky above them

    “Well as soon as I give everyone the signal we’ll storm his house and destroy him…” Suichi said savagely, Leiko glared at him

    “Suichi…are we even sure it was him?” Leiko asked him quietly

    “OF COURSE IT WAS” Suichi shot back with a angry look

    “How could you even try to defend him, you saw him with your own two eyes…” Suichi said as he threw his fist into the ground, Leiko just looked up at him with a sad look on her face

    “Well four eyes…” Biru chimed in, Leiko looked down at him angrily; Biru smiled and looked down at the grass

    “I don’t know, I just get a odd feeling about all this Suichi…” Leiko whispered, Suichi turned on her

    “there is no possible way that there can be TWO Mr. Hiros…I can’t believe you Leiko…it’s dark, let’s go…” Suichi said off-handedly as he waved at the others and they ran for Mr. Hiro’s front door.

    Meicho threw his large shoulder into the front door and it easily swung in, Yuki looked at Meicho in admiration

    “Very nice…” Yuki changed her body language to a flirtatious one

    “Not now!” Suichi whispered as they all transformed their spirit guides into their various weapons

    “It’s really dark in here…” Yuki shuddered and moved closer to Meicho who put an arm around her, as they progressed they could hear voices in the distant kitchen

    “why did those pesky children know our last name brother…” exclaimed one man to the other

    “I don’t know what your talking about” exclaimed a similar voice; Suichi and the others jumped around the corner to see two identical men standing in the middle of the kitchen with swords drawn and held at each other’s throats

    “AHH…nice of you to join us children…” said one of the men

    “Cho…leave them out of this, it’s between you and I” replied the other brother grumpily

    “GET OUT OF HERE KIDS!” Mr. Hiro exclaimed as they all stood in the doorway with their mouths dropped open

    “No…we want some answers…why are there two of you? We thought you betrayed us…” Suichi exclaimed as he held his sword at the ready

    “dimwit….I am Cho Hiro, Master of Greed and the Dark master’s right hand man…and this is my pathetic twin brother, Sho Hiro” Cho smiled toothlessly; Suichi and the others gaped at them standing next to each other

    “Cho here chose the path of darkness with the Dark master, but I would never betray my beloved Amaterasu…” Sho announced as he swing his sword over his head then readied it again, Cho looked over at his twin with a odd look on his face

    “your beloved Amaterasu?!” Cho exclaimed angrily, Sho nodded and smiled toothlessly at his brother

    “She is my lover and I will join her in Heaven soon” Sho announced happily as Cho smirked

    “Sooner then you think” Cho exclaimed as he lunged at his brother, who blocked with a simple swish of his sword, Cho spun around and shot a dark energy ball at Sho who deflected it with his sword effortlessly

    “Brother, your sword skills were always lacking pizzazz” Sho mocked a he lunged at his brother who jumped out of the way

    “Should we help them?!” Kouji exclaimed looking up at Suichi who was still standing there awestruck

    “NO…this is my fight” Sho Hiro screamed at them as he deflected a dark energy ball back at his brother which slammed into his brother’s stomach and Cho doubled over and landed on his hands and knees, Sho stepped forward and held his sword at his brother’s throat

    “It is over Cho…it seems fitting that your own twin brother would be the one to destroy you” Sho looked down at him with a disappointed look on his face; a smile appeared on Cho’s face as he looked down at the ground

    “I completely agree brother…” Cho moved quick as lightning; he grabbed his sword and struck his twin directly through the heart, Sho’s eyes widened and he made a light squeal and fell to his knees looking up at his evil brother standing over him.

    Cho looked down on his brother triumphantly and kicked the sword deeper into his brother’s chest

    “NO!” Leiko and Yuki cried together, Suichi and Kouji stepped forward

    “THAT’S ENOUGH!” they bellowed, brandishing their weapons at Cho Hiro

    “Hahaha, my brother taught you all everything that he knows, but even his skills weren’t enough to defeat me…I want to fight you all when your at your best, until then…” Cho Hiro bowed at them and vanished in a wave of dark energy.

    Suddenly a bright golden light appeared in front of them

    “My love, you have fought bravely and done everything for the chosen ones that I could have asked; come and sit beside me in the heavens…” Amaterasu whispered so that only Sho Hiro could hear her, her voice drifted upon the students but they only heard the most beautiful song that they could ever imagine and they only saw bright golden light

    “I knew you would come for me Amaterasu…” Sho smiled, but he had a full set of white teeth, she had reverted him back to his prime age; his hair was no longer gray but a gentle curly brown and his face was clean shaven, he had a strong chin and the scars on his face had vanished, he was standing tall once again and when he spoke he no longer spoke with a raspy angry voice but a light happy one, Amaterasu looked back into the watery golden eyes of her lover and they kissed, causing the golden light to vanish.

    “Where did Mr. Hiro’s body go?!” Leiko cried as she knelt where his body once lay, Suichi looked up at the roof

    “I think that golden light was Amaterasu taking her warrior back….” Suichi smiled to himself as he helped Leiko to her feet again

    “that is so romantic…” Yuki squeeked between sobs against Meicho’s chest, Kouji looked around and saw Mr. Hiro’s emblem sword laying on the ground

    “I think we should have a proper burial…” Kouji suggested and they all agreed.

    They went to the tallest hill in the village and buried the sword at the foot of an apple tree while Suichi spoke the final words

    “Mr. Hiro…you were our teacher and they say that the apple is the fruit of knowledge so we leave you here under the apple tree to show you how much we appreciate the knowledge that you have passed on to us…thank you” Suichi smiled and looked down at the ground were the fresh earth pile sat and they all said their thank yous and headed for home so that they could rest for school the next day.