• It was a cloudy day a cold breeze had whistled by as I was walking up the stone steps that reaches my front door.
    As I put my hand to turn the knob, a noise from the distance rustled on the floor.
    I rested my hand on the knob turning my head around looking for the noise that had startled me.
    I stood there for a while trying to find the noise I had heard.

    The clouds were starting to grumble a noise that told me my journey would end short today.
    I sped up walking toward the stone steps again, and enter the house.

    Night fell, and the sun shot up, clouds still filled up the sky.
    Birds were chirping away singing their song of spring.
    Winter here last so long that the snow stays forever.
    And then spring comes again.

    I walked out of the house, and sat down on the porch, waiting for my ride to come pick me up, for our planned out adventure.
    I sat there in daze thinking about the strange noise I had heard the other day.
    What was it? Why did it sound like that? And where did it come from?
    I slowly entered my mind leaving the world behind me. I had entered the depths in my mind

    at that moment I heard the very same noise I had heard earlier yesterday. The noise wasn’t a scary one like a person may attack you from behind.
    It was more of a soft hum, and it had such a beautiful melody to it.

    As I push my self up from my sitting position, I felt my body moving closer and closer to the noise, I wasn’t in control of my body anymore. I couldn’t do anything about it. For a minute, I struggled frantically. I was absolutely terrified about my body moving by itself.

    A car then honked, sending a shock through my body, which brought me out of my world and into the real one. The noise that was luring me away had vanished.

    I looked around to see my best bud Dave, waving at me, from in a car. I wave backed happily. I was happy to see the person, who would take me on the adventure that would change my life.

    It was the honk of the car that was going to pick me up, to take me on my first camping trip across the world to Death Valley. I live in the snowy but beautiful peaceful Ireland (well in the part that snows at least) and spring break was in session.

    Dave only my best friend in the world is going to take me to the most brutal place and hottest place in the world. Yup he is taking me to Death Valley.

    Everyone is telling us that we are going to die in the heat, and that we wouldn’t make it out alive. Especially the teachers. We want to prove them wrong.

    Dave and I start on our great adventure as soon as I enter the door. Once I step in the car, there is no going back, until we finish our adventure. Me, who lived his whole 16 years in the snowy place, was anxious and excited to be on the way.

    Dave kept on warning me about deaths that always occur in Death Valley. He wanted to see if I would back out.
    I didn’t

    He thinks he is a total expert, because when he was younger he went for a day with his family, when they went sight seeing in America.
    Now that I think of it, this will be my very first time in America. My stomach did a turn.