• Blood Rose
    Written By: MitsukiiAngel
    November 27,2008. 7:39 A.M.

    "It's very hot outside." Mitsuki said to herself. "Then why am I playing in the field?" Just as soon as she layed on the flowers,a male approached her. Mitsuki wondered who he was. "Why is there a young child lying here in this steaming season?" He asked himself. "Nevermind that. Instead,I'll take a sip of yor blood!" He approached Mitsuki with his crimson,glowing,eyes. She got up,and slowly walked backwards. Until she tripped over a rock. He roughly clutched her arms,and leaned over her neck. Suddenly,this man has turned into a puddle of blood. Having his body slashed
    into pieces. "Are you alright?" A mysterious voice asked,as it's hand reached for Mitsuki. She said, "Thank you for rescuing me Katsuke Oniisama."
    Katsuke held her warmly in his arms. "Your lovely face is covered in blood. Let's wash it off." He said. "Where's mom and dad? I've been looking for
    them." Mitsuki said. "They're dead..That vampire killed our parents." Katsuke said wiping away a tear from Mistuki's eyes. "I'll protect you from now on.
    Until we have someone to help us."
    Ten years later,Mitsuki attended a school named, Sun & Moon Academy. It was named that because there were two classes. One named
    "Sunlight" for the day class,and "Moonlight" for the night. Mitsuki was assigned to be in the day class. She wondered why were all of the night class
    students look so different from the others. Until she met this boy four years ago. His name is Chiaro Sasorii. He looked like one of them too,but was
    assigned to be in the day class. Before she attended this school,she was adopted by the principal of this academy. His name is Kiyo Yusakii. That
    was the day she met Chiaro. He was all by himself. He had a sister, but never knew what happened to her the night his parents were dead. He's not
    that type of happy guy. Chiaro was quiet, and intelligent. He doesn't have a temper most of the time. Mitsuki was also assinged to go to the same dorm
    with him since there were no more for boys or girls. This room was called "The Couple." It was quite uncomfortable at first sleeping in the same room
    with a guy,but Mitsuki got used to it. "I wonder why the night class students look so different from me." Mitsuki said. "Including Chiaro." Then Mitsuki
    had an idea. "Maybe I'll ask Kiyo." She said to herself, as she hustled to his office. As she reached to his office, she was about to knock, but the door flung open surprisingly. "Mitsuki darling! Is there something you want to tell me?!" He asked happily. After all, Kiyo acted like a pathetic father sometimes. "Yes father." Mitsuki said. "I think I know what you are going to ask."He said. "Close the door." As Mitsuki shut the door,Kiyo started to explain. "The reason why they look so different,is because they are vampires."
    Mitsuki was shocked. She couldn't beleive it. She never knew her dear brother is a vampire. "There are four ranks." Kiyo said pushing up his sliding
    glasses. "Here's a list so I don't have to say them." He handed over the list. It wasn't one of those insanly long ones. Just a short one. The list said,
    One: Vamp. half human. Turns into a vampire when a creasent moon shows. Two: Vampire. A regular vampire. Three: Vampirus. A vampire that turns people into them. Four: Vampiros. A lurking demon vampire. One of the most dangerous of them all. Mitsuki thought she should be aware of the Vampiros. "Don't worry about Katsuke. He's a Vampirus. He is one of the pure,and gentle ones. There's really no need to worry about it." Kiyo said patting Mitsuki's shoulder. "Now run off darling. Have fun with your friends." As soon as the door shut,he said to himself. "At least she doesn't know about me..Being a vampire with no fangs. The vampircs. The same exact level as the vampiros." He shook his head in shame.
    Mitsuki thought hard how was it possible when her parents were human,and Katsuke wasn't. "I don't understand.." Mitsuki said outloud.
    "Understand what?" A charming voice asked. Mitsuki turned around,and saw her dear brother. "Katsuke Oniisama! Don't frighten me like that." Mitsuki
    said. "I'm sorry my dear sister." He said embracing her. "You know, you can ask me whatever you want at anytime." He gave Mitsuki a small kiss on the
    forehead. She blushed, and turned around so she was facing her classrooms. "Hey Mitsu!" A girl's voice called. Mitsuki turned to the sound,and
    noticed it was her best friend Miyu. The half cat person. It was quite unique for her to be born that way. "Chiaro sama wants to speak to you." Miyu
    said. "Thanks for the info." Mitsu said quietly. "No prob. Catch yah later!" Miyu said walking away. Mitsuki approached Chiaro, and asked, "You needed
    to speak to me correct?" His gorgeous eyes gleamed as they looked at her. "Yes." He replied. "Your dear brother Katsuke sama has made me run an
    errand with you. He said for me to protect you while he is not available to see you." Mitsuki was curious. Why would her brother let Chiaro protect her
    when she was defenceful enough. The bell rung,and the pupils disappeared into the classrooms.
    After class, Chiaro and Mitsuki were invited to have supper with Kiyo. "Aah you're here. I thought you would have rejected my invitation."
    Kiyo said smiling. "I would like yo to meet my friend's son, Esuke." "It's very nice to meet you Esuke sama." Chiaro and Mitsuki said at the same time. "A
    pleasure to meet you too." Esuke said in a pleasent voice. "Now let's have some supper shall we?" Kiyo said. They were all fulfilled with with Kiyo's
    homemade Hibachi Bowls. The very weird thing was that Esuke kissed Mitsuki's hand. She had a feeling he's not normal. He smirked and said,"Have
    a wonderful evening you two." She noticed he was a vampire too.
    Once they left Kiyo's house,Mitsuki went to the bath house. That was the time when Chiaro and Mitsuki had to depart obviously. The only
    thing was,that Chiaro's dorm bath house were closed until daylight arrived. "Aah! What are you doing here?" Mitsuki said in surprise. "The bath house was closed. So I have to shower here." Chiaro answered as he unbuttoned his shirt. Mitsuki glanced a bit at his abbs. "I know you're looking.." Chiaro said. While she was blow drying her hair, Chiaro glanced at her neck. He locked himself in the shower so Mitsuki won't see what happened. His eyes glowed a beautiful crimson,but faded away. When he saw Mitsuki asleep, he glanced at her neck again, but stopped himself once more. "I can't do that to her.." He said to himself quietly, as he slipped himself under the covers. Chiaro rolled himself so he was not facing Mitsuki. "How can I handle this obsession?" He said to himself. "Obsession of what?" Mitsuki said crawling over to his bed. Chiaro was startled when she crept up on him. "Don't do that. Please.." He said. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to know what's going on." Mitsuki said softly. "It's nothing. You will find out soon though." Chiaro said. Then, Mitsuki crept back onto her bed and slept until sunrise shown.

    Chapter #2 Coming Soon.