• One day a wolf demon girl found herself looking in the woods for a snack. She was wondering how she could get into a tribe. The guy that she had a crush on was telling her about his wolf tribe and how great they worked together. she had asked him how she could join his tribe. He had told her that she needed to have respect for herself and for others. She had told him that she works great with other people. Then he had said that he had been looking for a mate for himself for a long time. She just started to mumble. What did you say ; he said. O nothing ; she said. Omg he is so cute she had thought to herself. I wish i could tell him how i feel she said. He said you should come by to join my tribe cuz you look graceful enough to join my tribe. Koga I love you she said. WWW-wat he said. She said i have strong feelings for you. He said I thought you did not like me all of those years. She said I tried to hide it but when you mentioned that you needed a girl to be your mate in your tribe ,I could not contain myself, I understand if you do not feel the same way. He approached her and kissed her. They kissed for a long time. Koga Koga his tribe was looking for him they had searched high and low. They had finally found him and said is this girl going to be your mate. He quickly answered yes. Finally they had gotten married and had 19 wolf pups.