“Long time ago in a distant land where everything was in balance for thousands of years. The people there honored the moon, the sun, and the eight spirits that made the islands. The people there were friendly with the humans. Until one of them started to cause massive chaos with the humans. The humans thought it was a planned attack from them so they had no choice but start a war. The spirits and their goddess weren’t pleased with the dreadful and destructive war that destroyed most of the villages, killed many innocent people, lots of pools of blood everywhere there was, and dead rotting bodies everywhere. So the spirits had to combine their powers to stop the dreadful, blood-shedding war for good until it was too late to save. As the dreadful war kept on going centuries after centuries until it became a millennia after it started, so the goddess decided to seal the islands away from them forever, so the locals left there home islands. The spirits had only one choice left to do, so they had to hide the islands as they grouped up into an eye and used all there power to seal away the islands they rid the memory of it from the humans till they deserve to be back. Legend says now that the only three sacred wings that know the eight sacred spirits powers can only unseal the islands and everything will be as it once, as if time was frozen for centuries and the battle field where the blood-shedding war was at everyone there turned into stone and only the ruins of that place was remained and the pools of blood still there saying that the souls of the lost ones are in. Now the legend goes on to the remaining descendants from the islands to let each generation know of their past and try to find the three wings. Only time can tell when it is time is right to unseal the islands before the evil rises up from its slumber of death and takes over control of everything in the world before the wings can stop its mass destructive power of the demons and devils.”
Three Wings
this is just well a story i hade in my head and want to know wht ppl feel about it
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