• The snow pierced her skin. Her heart began to pound. She ran faster and faster from the man chasing her. Aika stopped and looked around for a place to hide. She spotted a Man Hole and quickly jumped down it. Ugh gross, she thought as she climbed out of the dirty, polluted water and onto a ledge that led down the tunnel. She began to walk through the tunnel praying for a way out. She squinted as the darkness polluted her eye sight, making it harder to adjust to the darkness around her. Aika paused for a moment and squinted harder. "A light," she gasped as she ran through the tunnel. As she approached the mysterious light reached out to touch it, but heard foot steps coming a few yards away. What?! I thought i lost him! She looked around for a place to hide. As she looked behind her she saw the man with a knife in his hand approaching. Looking around in panic she saw a ladder appear from the light. She ran to the ladder and climbed up it two steps at a time. When she reached the top, she saw a boy in front of her. She paused and watched him reach for a knife in his pocket. Suddenly she felt something grab her and carry her off the ground. She heard a scream, and then silence as everything became dark.

    Read Chapter One!-Clickyy here