• The whole day I was in hospital and when the doctor finally came in he said I should be here for at least three more days to make sure I don’t have any brain damage. I finally had Mitch and Seth tell me what happened that day of the T.V. accident. They said that I was walking through the hall when out of nowhere someone pushed a T.V. in my direction, everyone else got out of the way…except me…and well it knocked me to the ground and then it landed on top of me. The screen busted into thousands of pieces and some of the pieces ended up in my skull…I had to get many stitches…my head began to throb at the very thought of it.
    “You are one lucky girl.” Seth said, I giggled slightly.
    “Or maybe I’m one very unlucky girl.” Mitch laughed because he knew this had not been my first time in here.
    “What’s so funny about that?” Seth said as if Mitch had just insulted him.
    “Whoa, don’t get defensive, it’s just that I have been in and out of here all through my life.” I laughed, “I’m surprised they haven’t assigned me a permanent room in here.” I then got a sudden pain and screamed out loud, my head started throbbing, and Seth pushed a little red button on the side of my bed.
    “What’s wrong?” A nurse slowly made her way over to me.
    “She screamed in pain and you told us to push that button when she was in pain.” I grabbed hold of my head because it was like every one was screaming.
    “Oh I see.” She walked over to the equipment I was hocked up to.
    Then in a matter of seconds I found myself at ease, and then I suddenly was back where my dream left off. I looked at the two roads ahead of me, because there was no way I was going back, this was my life and while I live I will not give up.
    One road was pure white, and the other was the darkest of dark. I knew I should pick the white path but there was something about the black one that made me want to walk through it, to challenge everything that got in my way of getting through it. I knew this wasn’t me, wanting to kill like this was defiantly not I. I was the kind, sensitive, sweet girl, I only kill when I’m not my self…that’s when I realized that the black road was calling my werewolf self not my human self, but would I be able to resist the urge to go down the dark road; that was the question. I wanted to know if I had the self-control that I thought I had and not take one step down that path. I knew that taking even one step down that path would be like just trying something that’s bad for the human body, something you get addicted to, something you get addicted to and is nearly impossible to stop.
    I knew that once you get a taste of darkness and the power of dark you can’t ever but rarely get out.
    I needed to go to the lighter side; everything is so much better in the light, the rewards, the treatment, and even the people. I need to travel down that path, but my legs refused. I could tell that my werewolf self had gotten stronger; hopefully I could some how force myself down the light road…
    “You know that you should let your heart chose, I know that in your mind you would chose the light path, but I can also tell that your heart wants you to take the dark path…It is not the wolf in you that want, carves, need the dark path it is your heart. But your mind is trying to force your heart into thinking differently.” I looked up from the path to see who was speaking; it was a man…a man I had never met in my life. He had a red trench coat on and I couldn’t see his face, but immediately I knew that he must have come from the dark path. I didn’t say anything, I was hopping that if he realized that I was ignoring him then he would leave without another word.
    “You can’t ignore what in your heart, because if you do only bad will come of it.” He spoke softly but yet I could hear the fierceness in his word, I could tell if I were to ignore him any longer he would do something to my unconscious body, maybe he would kill me. I turned up to meet his gaze, not saying a word. I glared.
    “That’s what I needed to see. I needed to see the face of the death key.” I looked confused at the man who was speaking.
    “Death key?” I asked softly not trying to anger him; he looked stronger than me.
    “Death key, you don’t even know what you are? That’s funny, didn’t your parents ever tell you what you are?” He asked me with a chuckle.
    “Well I think I just asked you what the Death key is so, no my parents have never told me what I am.” I answered sternly.
    “Don’t get a temper, I can kill you now…but I wont only because I need you, you are my weapon of destruction.” He laughed evilly.
    “I’m not yours!” I screamed angrily.
    “Not yet anyways, but always remember, I can kill you very easily. I brought you here, I can take you out.” I shivered, what did he mean? He smiled.
    “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I mumbled.
    “You’ll know soon enough, but before I go I want you to know, I’m always watching you.” He smiled evilly again and disappeared.