• A Vampire, A Dark Elf, and A Zombie

    A vampire, a dark elf, and a zombie were all walking together along an island before they all discovered a shiny, glinting object in the sand. They all pulled out the item together and a genie popped out of the lamp they had retrieved.

    "For setting me free, i grant each of you one wish!" bellowed the genie.

    The zombie peered up at him, and said "BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAINS!"

    The genie gave him a big platter of brains and the zombie was happily off on his way.

    The dark elf went next. "My people have been oppressed for a long time, genie. I wish to finally have a peaceful home in which nobody outside can invade, and nobody inside can open the doors to any invaders. I wish for all the elf encampments on the fields to be protected like never before, to be sealed from all attacks from the ground and the air so that my people can finally be at peace."

    The genie nodded and then sent the dark elf to his encampment, and looked at the vampire. "What is your wish?"

    The vampire peeked up also at the genie. "First, what exactly did you do for the elf?"

    The genie replied, "I created an impenetrable fortress over the elf camps with hundred foot walls, and hundred foot ceilings on top that cannot be broken down by anybody outside or anybody inside. The material is bulletproof, missileproof, and nothing of any sort can harm the walls or the ceiling leaving all the camps protected for all time. There is no way in, or out, of the encampments."

    The vampire just nodded once and grinned. "Fill them with water."