• Throne of Demensia---Part 3
    by Nightkat89

    "Uggh.." The woman was barely able to mumble as the jostling of Yira's body shook her to semi-consciousness . "Who is this woman? She is most likely one of the folk from the outpost, just minding her own business until those bloodthirsty beasts had to disturb the peace" Orik thought to himself out loud.

    Eventually Yira broke the pace and slowed down to a steady gallop. Finally Orik spotted a small outgrove of grass next to a partially frozen pond. There he noticed a small group of deer taking their fill from the partially clouded pond water. A Good sized buck seemed to lead the group, along with a doe, and several small kin. He couldn't bring himself to have dinner for the night, right then and there he decided to scare them off. The Buck took off like a bolt of lightning and along with him went the doe and their kin (he assumed).

    It was still Mid day so Orik decided to make the stranger comfortable by piling up several tall weeds into a makeshift bed and wrapping her in the worn canvas from his tent to keep her warm. He managed to start a fire from the partially frozen stalks and weeds that grouped around the edge of the pond. He set water on to boil and proceeded with his bow in hand to look for some small game in the surrounding area.

    After about a half hour, Orik noticed a burrow. It resembled the home of a rabbit, or maybe a large rodent. An idea struck him. He quickly pulled out his flint and steel and some starter he had previously saved up and made a smoke cloud into the burrow. Taking position with his bow strung Orik watched with great determination, and soon enough a rabbit of generous size came running out. "This is a tough shot, the little one is zigzagging" he thought himself while concentrating on aim. Finally he launched that arrow after what seemed to be an eternity of waiting. Orik's eyes followed the arrow through the air, and missed, just by a couple of feet. "Looks like we will be eating nothing again, thats what I get for being nice.." Orik grumbled to himself as he slowly walked back to camp, defeated.

    Orik took his time returning back to camp, taking the extra time to look about the scenery that surrounded him and the mountains that stood majestically closer in the distance than before. The thought of going through that terrain made him shudder. By the time he neared the camp, it was dusk. He could notice, by aid of the light of the fire, that the woman was conscious and standing next to Yira, petting her haunches. Orik smiled, an emotion he hasn't had in a forth year.

    "G'evening mam" Orik Stated out of the blue.

    The woman responded by unsheating a dagger she had hidden in one of her sleeves and stating "Another step and I will have horse for dinner" holding her partially rusted blade near Yira.

    "You do realize your life will be forfeit if you cause harm to my companion? I highly suggest you put the dagger down, for I mean you no harm." Orik stated in a matter of fact tone.

    The lady pondered her decision, Orik could see she was in deep thought.

    And then she ran...

    "Wait!" Orik called in response while casing her.

    The Woman was in fact quick and light on her feet, graceful almost. Orik managed to keep within arrow range, but could never close the distance. Soon the glimmer of the firelight back at camp became dim, the distance they traveled must have been a mile, or even more. Finally the lady slowed down to a jog. Orik took the opportunity and sprinted to close the distance, and tackled her.

    "Let go of me heathen!" the stranger hissed as she fought to try and shake Orik off of her.

    "I was hoping for more of a formal introduction, and you had to make this hard, oh well... it was your decision" as Orik wrestled her into a position and tied her legs and arms.

    He carried the woman back to camp, and during the time he heard nothing but swears, curses, and the such. She was definitely not a happy camper...

    "I will make you a deal" he said as they neared the camp. "I will untie you, but please stay within camp, I don't mean you harm, I rescued you." The woman looked closely at Oriks face while hanging over his shoulder, from the light given off by the fire she could get rough details that resembled a toughened man, worn down from travel (she assumed) but she could not put a name to his face.

    They reached camp and Orik sat her down by the fire, still tied up. He then walked over to get the worn tent canvas and wrapped her in it. "This should keep you warm enough for the night if you stay by the fire" he stated. He also handed her a tin of hot water mixed with dried tea leaves. "Drink up" he said as he sat down next to Yira, laying his head against one of her rear legs.

    The woman protested, but eventually gave in for the weather was bitterly cold, and getting colder as the night progressed. "Mmmm" he heared her mumble while drinking the tea, enjoyment spread across her face. Apparently tea isn't a commodity that townsfolk have, or usually have. "So who are you?" Orik said, trying to break the ice. "I go by many names, I forsake my given one many years ago, but you may call me Jade. I don't suppose you are here for the bounty are you?"

    Orik spat out the tea he was drinking due to the sudden suprise. "You're a CRIMINAL?!" he managed to say flabbergasted.

    "Not a criminal, more of a mercenary" Jade interrupted.

    "Oh, a mercenary, that is even better..." Orik thought sarcastically. "What do you specialize in crim....mercenary?"

    "Deceit, treachery, sharp pointy obscured weaponry, traps (setting and discovery) and my favorite one, assassination." Jade stated with somewhat inhuman glee after saying the word assassination.

    "So you're a hitman...well...woman... I guess I better keep my eye, or both on you at all times, I don't want wind up with a knife in my back" Orik said disgruntled.

    "I'm a rogue, assassination just comes with the job, along with the bounty on my head. You can't please everyone you know!" she said defensively and raising her tone.

    "Well rogue, you better get some sleep, we have a long day of traveling tomorrow if we're to reach the mountains by mid day."

    "Why the mountains? There is nothing there but harsh winds, tundra, and raiders."

    "Demensia lies past those mountains..." Orik said without emotion.

    The Fire eventually faded and Jade faded into sleep. But on her mind, the man she couldn't place... Orik... Orik of Demensia! She realized who she had threatened..

    (To be continued in part 4)