• ---To Be edited! Stay Tuned for ch-ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strain) ch-ch-ch... *fades out* It is going to be a hard and brutal process (I hate changing too much, and I always get carried away, trust me, this story was about a boy living in the slums originally sweatdrop ) BUT GIVE ME COMMENTS IF YOU POST - I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR WHAT YOU THINK THE STORY SHOULD BE LIKE AND WHAT I NEED TO CH-CH-CH-CHANGE!---

    The car turned around the corner and the faint outline of the place I would soon call home was seen through the fog and rain. I fidgeted in the back seat, smoothing out my black skirt. My life had just crumbled into a thousand pieces, nothing I loved was left within my life except the millions of dollars left to me in an offshore account – none of it I could use, as none of it could be found. No bank receipts were found, or any real record of its existence, except the evidence of it written in ink on my parents will.

    The door of the yellow taxi cab was opened by the driver who waited impatiently in the rain, I waited for an umbrella to be opened so I would not get wet, however the taxi driver just stood there, in the rain, waiting for me to leave. I was unimportant.; just another orphan girl. I let out a sigh and got out of the car and into the pouring rain. The past had pasted away, literally. Everything I knew had died, or seemed to never exist, never to be seen, to be heard, to laugh with, to live with, or to love, ever again. It had all gone, gone to a place of no return, deserting me in a world of loneliness and wishing. A tear escaped the confinement of my blue eyes and I felt it roll down my face, mixing with the rain drops. The huge doors ahead swung open and a nun walked out of the doors, holding her black skirt up and out of the water and mud. She trotted down the stairs, her low heeled shoes clicking all the way interrupting the dead silence, handed the driver some money and grabbed my hand, pulling me up towards the house. I looked up to the intimidating old Victorian home as I trotted along with the nun to reach the dryness and warmth of the indoors. I felt the rain drops slide down my cheek and join with the few tears that slowly dripped down my face. I walked into the doors and realized how cold it was outside as a blast of hot air hit me and my hairs stood up on end. My face seemed expressionless as I looked around the beautiful home. The colours of golds, rich reds, blues and purples, the softness of the dark, worn wood were so warm and welcoming it felt as if they wrapped my in a warm cashmere blanket. However, the strange feeling of abandonment mixed into the hope.

    At the top of the stairs that climbed before me in a slow twist was a little girl clutching her decrepit teddy bear and sucking her thumb. She looked to be barely four, abandoned, either her parents dead or just not wanting her, thinking the child a burden. She found her way down the stairs, only taking her thumb out of her mouth to hold onto the railing which was too big for her tiny hand.

    “Maya, honey, you need to go back upstairs to bed,” the nun said grabbing Maya’s little hand, but the small girl escaped from her grasp and ran towards me, wrapping her arms around my waist, squeezing, she did not want to let go. She squeezed tighter and tighter, it was making it hard to breathe a full breath of air. It felt like she was pulling me up and a soon as I knew it i saw a flash of white streak through my eyes and stayed as my body went ice cold, I tried to gasp for air, but there was none to be found. As my body struggled, I mentally tried to calm myself down, I couldn't panic, I held my lungs, not allowing them to grab for air that wasn't there, they did not strain. I opened my eyes to a large forest, a thick fog lingered al around me amidst the evergreen trees. I heard a faint whisper echo around me, the voice growing louder and louder with every word. It soon became legible ‘The destiny of the many moons is you. You are the chosen one. Save us.'

    Reality came back quickly as if somebody flicked the light switch on. I was laid flat on the wooden floor, air filled my lungs and the warmth of my body came back. The little girl held the nun’s hand and looked at me with shock. I saw a shiver go through her fragile body. I stayed on the floor, my body too weak to get up at that moment. Another nun came up to me, offered my and hand and lifted me to my feet again. I watched as Maya was led up the stairs, her body shaking more, but this time with tears. The nun that picked me up brought me to her attention.

    “We shall give you the grand tour tomorrow morning; I think you should get some rest.” She paused looking at me suspiciously, “I will show you your room and you shall find that your stuff has already arrived.” She started towards the stairs and I followed, “Oh, you shall call me Madame Levier, or just Madame is sufficient.”

    I followed Madame up the stairs. The room was the third door down the hall. It was drafty and the small bed looked hard. In the corner was an old musty chair with a bookshelf standing next to it filled with old books. I saw all of my belongings that I packed into five suitcases piled at the end of the small bed the night before. One suitcase was filled with just pictures.
    “Get to bed now, we shall see you in the morning,” The nun smiled and she closed the door.

    I opened my suitcases and dug around for my flannel pajamas and searched for the mini flashlight that was hooked to the old house keys. I got changed quickly, turned out the light in my room, hopped into the bed and waited until the hall light was clicked off and the foot steps walked away. The bed sheets were musty and smelt like elderly and dirty cats and the bed was as I suspected; rock hard. Once I was sure the coast was clear and the house seemed motionless, I slipped out of the stinky bed and slide my feet carefully on the old creaky wood floor. There was something about the bookshelf that intrigued me. I always had a love for reading; the library at home was packed with hundreds of books I had read or was to read. On the inside, I am nothing but a book nerd.

    The books on the shelves looked like they hadn’t been moved for centuries, though I was sue that wasn’t the case. The disgusting aroma of musty paper and mold floated in the air around the books. I placed the beam of the flashlight on the bindings of the books, looking for an interesting book to indulge myself in, in order to cancel out the world around me. There were volumes one and three of history text books, an old war book and a large book with dirty golden bounding. I pulled it out from its shelf, groaning as all its weight strained my arms. I sat down on the old chair turquoise chair conveitnly located next to the books. The book opened with several crackles from the stiff old pages. In the air I could smell apples and cinnamon as I flipped through the pages. Despite the coolness of the room the book was quite warm. As I tried skimmed through the barely legible font I noticed a small, golden lion at the corner of every page. I reached the middle of the book, flipping the pages, searching for comprehensible words, I paused on one word ‘Luna’ that seemed to be illuminated. I looked again, but closer at it, it had disappeared, but the faint scratches of something were then fairly visible. They were written in a different language, one I had never laid eyes upon. There were several intricate symbols that looked faintly like letters, but only…different.

    I heard faint tap of foot steps. My heart racing, I shoved the book back in place, and quietly sunk to my bed, then slinking under the covers. I mimicked sleep as somebody opened the door and walked in quietly. I could hear the faint rhythm of their breath. As soon as they came in, they left again. I laid quietly in my bed until sleep took over my consciousness and I plummeted into a deep, dreamless sleep.

    As the sun shone through the dusty, shear covered windows, my eyes opened slowly, sticking together from the sleep in my eyes. I was freezing cold even underneath the three blankets I had piled on top of me. For the briefest moment I forgot totally where I was, then the grief passed over me and I remembered the events of the pervious day. My parents were both dead and I was sent to grow up in an orphanage.

    I crawled out of the bed slowly, my stiff back paining me from sleeping on the rock-like bed. I sifted through my bags, searching for suitable clothing for today. I settled for my dark jeans and a white t-shirt. Suitable for an orphanage I thought, they weren’t designer label like the rest of clothes. I ran my mason pearson brush through my perfect, wavy copper locks, looking deeply into my pink tearless eyes, wondering what I had ever done to deserve this fate and why the gods chose this path for me. I headed downstairs after my deep thought was interrupted. The aroma of bacon and eggs drifted through the air as I walked down the stairs. I hadn’t the slightest clue of where to go so I just let my nose lead feet me towards the mouth-watering aroma. I hadn’t eaten since the accident and being morbidly depressed really deducts ones energy.

    Madame flew out the door, jolting me with the suddenness with her appearance through a small mahogany wooden door to my right. “Ah, Luna! Did you have a good sleep dear?” She gave me the bogus smile again.

    “It was,” I paused, not wanting to be rude, I mean to start off on wrong terms would be suicidal with this lady, “a lovely night, I am pleased to finally get some comfortable rest.” The lie flew through my lips fluidly and I ended up with a perfect smile that would seem truly genuine to the average eye. Acting appears to be quite a possible career path for me to pursue.

    “Well, let me introduce you to the rest of the children,” she said over her shoulder as she walked towards the open door opposite from where she walked out.

    The room, much like the rest of them, was filled with the mahogany and golden colour scheme. There were children chatting quietly amongst their friends while eating a delicious looking breakfast. I heard my stomach growl at me.

    “You can take a seat in the chair at the end of the table, the children have just started eating, I will get the girls to make you up a plate, you must be ravenous,” Madame looked down at my stomach as it growled again.

    I smiled, nodded then went to my seat. Next to me was a boy with bright red hair and freckles, who was talking to a skinny blonde girl while shoving his face full of scrambled eggs. He was not like the rest of the people of the room. Everybody had the manners of a person several times there age that were applying for a job in a huge corporate company. They all were beautiful; the black haired girl across the table from me glowed, she was the kind of girl you would see as a Victoria’s Secret model. There was surely something odd about this place, I thought.

    The red haired boy turned to me, finally noticing my existence as a young nun set down a plate full of bacon, toast with jelly and scrambled eggs right in front of me. I picked up my fork, preparing to stuff my face and be as unattractive as the red haired boy was, when he tapped my shoulder. I put down my fork full of eggs and looked at him begrudgingly.

    “Are you Luna?” He asked, the blonde haired girl looked at me inquisitively.

    “Um, yah,” I smiled and then started staring down my food, my mouth started to water and my stomach groaned again. I hoped by some off chance that this was the last of the questions.

    I was disappointed, “How did they die? Your parents, that is. What crazy excuse did they make for their deaths now?” The blonde haired girl asked point blankly, her voice flowing into my ears like the most expensive. My mouth flew open in horror.

    Changes: (written down so I remember what to write)

    Luna is now Canadian XP
    Luna's last name is Oriel (means angel of destiny...cheesey, yes. Unrelating to the story, no.