• There was once a girl named,Shelly.She was a sweet person.One day she woked up and nearly forgotten her own birthday."Mom!Do you know what is today?" Shelly said. "No.What is today?"
    Said mom.Shelly was so upset.She ran all the way up stairs to her room and locked the door.
    She was crying so hard. cry She jumped out of the window and went to school.(Her room is in the base room) She s aid to her friends,"Hey!Do you know what today is?" "No.What? Said her
    friends. Shelly said,"Never mind." Shelly hold her tears,and went to class sadly. cry School was
    over.She walked quietly to her house without saying goodbye to her friends.She opened the door,
    and SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHELLY!!!!!!!!!. biggrin Shelly said,"but but but" "we never forgotten your birthday." said her mom. Her friends laughed and said,"We will never forget your
    birthday" So then they open a present,eat some cake and ice creams,and did a lot of fun stuff.

    THE END biggrin