• I walked down the side-walk, towards my home. The sky felt so dull, everything in my new town was dull. It was nearly midnight and my school had just ended, yes, the town has school at night. I sighed to myself and continued to walk slowly towards the largest mansion in the town. Depressed, I looked at my watch and gasped.

    "I'm late!" I shouted and broke into a run.

    Slowing down at the sight of the solid gold gates, I quickly opened them and made my way over to the main door. I stopped momentarily to fix myself, then reached for the door knob, but froze in my place as I saw it turn by itself. My blood went cold, I could feel the terror already building deep inside me. I was in big trouble; please don't let it be him. I told myself and waited for the door open.

    "You're late! Hurry up to the family room," the butler of our family opened the door. I let out a sigh and rushed right past him "Thanks, John!" I yelled back as I made my way towards the family room.

    The mansion was like a huge maze, it always took me a while to find my way to the family, and in fact it took me a while to find my way to my own room. I walked into the room, filled with people that I didn't want to see. The room was darkly lit and everyone stared at me with disgust. I slightly bowed my head, as an apology and quickly took my seat. No one dared to speak to me, but they continued to chit-chat between themselves. I felt depressed again and placed my head on the table, and slowly dozed off, until I was roughly woken up. Someone had grabbed my hair, pulling my head back. Looking up, with tears at the corner of my eyes, I saw the one person I did not want to see the most.

    "Brother..." I muttered out, as he coldly looked down at me.
    "Get up," he said, with a rough and dangerous voice.

    I slowly got out of my seat and waited for my next command. I could feel his burning stare, but I avoided all eye contact, his hand was still tangled in my hair with a strong grip. I soon felt his hand loosen, but I continued to look down at my feet, waiting for my punishment.

    "Do you know what day it is?" He said, lowering his head down to whisper in my ear, sending chills down my back.
    "Y...yes..." I chocked out, tears already whelming in my eyes.
    "Why are you late?" He licked my neck, making my hair at the back of my neck stand on their ends.
    "I'm sorry..." I unconsciously apologized.
    My brother didn't reply, but I could feel his fangs lightly scrape over my skin.

    He withdrew and looked down at me, a moment of silence remained between us, before the back of his hand made contact with my cheek. I stumbled back, as my blood slowly slipped out of my mouth, my cheek swollen. Before I could recuperate, his hand encircled my neck, strangling me. He slammed me against the wall, my feet lifting of the ground. He tightened his grip around my neck.

    "Who do you think you are?" He came dangerous close to my face, having his piercing blue eyes penetrate through my own.
    "I...I'm...sorry..." I chocked out, struggling to breathe.

    He chuckled at my suffering face, he has never looked at me with loving eyes, and he never took me as a sister. I always hated this, hated this town, and hated him. Tears leaked out of my eyes this time. I could feel my lungs tightening, urging me to breathe, but his grip only seemed to get tighter and tighter. Blood spilled down my neck and made it through my white shirt, staining it. I could feel the sharp pain from where his nails had dug into my neck.

    "Brother..." I tried one more time, begging this time.

    He loosened his grip, and flung me across the room, my head hitting the floor hard. "Take her to the dungeon and at dawn...kill her," he said, not even looking down at me one last time, but I managed to look at his face, his smirking face. I turned my head towards the rest of the family, fear filled my eyes. As soon as I saw their faces, I turned away. I could hope nothing from them, the people that smile at the announcement of death, some even released a sigh of relief.

    "No..." I slowly, but weakly got up, covering my injured parts, trying to fight for my way, but I only got roughly grabbed by the guards. They dragged me away, from everything. I didn't want to die. Not yet, I still had something to do, something to live for, but I suppose this might be the end.

    My screams of plea echoed through the emptiness, my hopes of having someone rescue me disintegrated as I was dragged further and further down into the mansion. My last cry for help was only shunned by the guards shoving me into a cold, old and crummy dungeon, and I waiting for the dawn...waiting for my end.