• This is the short but horrible life of a man named Danny Andrews. A man who took offense once his name was said.

    “Why did I choose to be a gravedigger?” muttered a young man as walked silently to his house at the edge of a graveyard. When he got into his bed at the top of his house, he heard a loud crash coming from the graveyard.
    “Huh? Where did that come from?” he whispered. He went to the edge of his room and took the shotgun from where he had it hung on the wall. As he was walking down the stairs, he heard another crash. Stay calm. It’s probably just a few birds. He thought while he was opening the front door.
    CRACK! “What was that?” he said loudly while staring to run. When he stopped to unlock the gate to the graveyard, he noticed it was already open. He stopped to think for a moment than ran blindly into the graveyard. While running forward, he fell into a grave that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.
    Quickly, he jumped out of the grave and read the gravestone. “Danny Andrews,” he read aloud.
    “Yes?” he heard a voice say from behind him. Suddenly he felt a cold blade against his throat. “Die!” The voice shouted as the blade swiftly cut through his throat. As Danny turned, he noticed that his son, Caesar Andrews, had witnessed the whole thing. "Go home home boy, or you'll be in my grave with with him," Danny said hastily while pointing at his grave.
    "Y-yes s-sir," Caesar stammered then ran off frightened.
    "Now, to finish some business," Danny said evilly while walking out of the graveyard towards the closest bar. As he was walking into the bar, he saw one of his enemies.
    "D-Danny?" he stammered.
    "That was a mistake," Danny murmured. He suddenly threw his knife at the man and nailed
    him between the eyes. As he was falling, Danny grabbed the the knife from the middle of his eyes. "Never address me as Danny ever again."
    While walking into the bar he noticed everybody had witnessed Danny murder him. "Why stop the party on my account?" he said coldly.
    "G-go on boys. Go ahead and g-go b-back to what y-you where doing," he shouted in a clearly frightened way.
    "Yes. Continue." Danny said as he walked towards an empty table.
    "----how is he----"
    "----where did----"
    Danny heard voices whispering. "C-can I h-help you?" the bartender asked.
    "Ice cold wine, on the double," Danny said sharply as the bartender ran off.


    "The Bodies where found this morning. With such a strict law, I never would've guessed anybody would dare kill two men in one night. Especially when that person had a full bar as witnesses." Danny read from his newspaper. "'He dead a week ago I tells ya! He came back from the dead! Danny Andrews is dead! Yet he is the that is responsible for the killings!' bar owner Chris Flyker said. 'Look for Danny Andrews! He is the killer! I saw him in the bar last night with a knife that was dripping blood!' After the police investigated the bar and found dry blood on the floor, they decided to look for Danny Andrews."
    "Darn him," Danny said as he walked out of the gravediggers house. And walked toward the bar.
    "Heya Danny! Oops." Chris Flyker said as Danny threw his knife directly into the pupil of his eye. Chris fell down bleeding out what seemed to the point when he had no blood left.
    "That outta teach you to squeal on Danny Andrews," Danny murmured as he pulled the blade from his eye.
    There was a loud bang and Danny fell to the ground. "That outta teach you to mess around in my town," Cherif Rodney said.
    Ever since, Danny's ghost has haunted Rodney's life and made sure he died thinking nobody cared for him.