• Night. It always came to fast. Lisa sighed as she looked out the huge bay window. The lake was serine and calm. The cresent moon shining off and creating mmore light than there really was. The stars shined through the partly cloudly night, giving it a patchy brillance. A bird of some sort flew swiftly over the lake, making its ghostly apperance in the dead night. Lisa wasn't really thinking, just staring blankly out at the open area of water and trees. Her grandparents place was amazing.
    Inside, everyone but her was sound asleep. She could even her father snoring lightly. Tomorrow, Lisa would go to the opera. She stopped for a second and thought. 'How many people would like to go to an opera? Am I strange for liking the opera music and setting? Or am I normal?' Normal. Now theres a word that is hard to live up to.
    Lisa gave up thinking for the while and looked back out onto the lake. It was so ghostly and lonely. Still, peacful enough to make one wish to be there.
    A sudden movement caught Lisa's eye. She looked to the source and saw a deer, with a tiny fawn beside it. Lisa stood stock still and watched them as the moved towards the lake bed. The deer drank as the fawn stood by, then drank itself. Lisa smiled slightly at the sight, and as the deer moved on, then turned away from the window. She should get some rest. After all...
    Tomorrow was a new day.