• 685 years ago the planet: Matera,the country: Delion,the state: capital Gaakarc.

    Dakkar the most deadliest assassin in the 15 countries of the planet wanted in all of them.
    "If that snitch Tudelo didn't tell the cops where I was i would be doing hits right now, not going to escape now i wanna hear my stats.",thought the assassin while in the specially made cage for him, while locked in over 2 tons of of chains he lifted his head and stared at the over 430 senators about to condemn him to centuries of imprisonment.
    The head councilman stood and said,"Dakkar Moritain you have killed more than 9684 people in over the course of the past 15 years even though 9600 of them were criminals that could have easily been tried and condemned to whatever their crimes where. You also have associated with some of the most notorious criminals that you have yet to have disclose the location of even though you have been 'interrogated" more that 15 times in the past 3 months you were in the holding cell at the central police station. Now I ask why didn't you escape?"
    "I was waiting for my court hearing like a normal centourion would, your honor.",said Dakkar.
    "Now it's time for me to leave.",thought the centourion as he started to wiggle his arms as his chains fell at his feet and he took a deep breath from the suffocation of the chain and locks was lifted off of him.
    A huge gasp filled the chamber Dakkar slipped through the bars, as he jumped from the cage forty feet in the air,the planetary army was waiting at the door burst in the chamber.
    "Get the criminal, charge, shoot him dead!!!",screamed militant Ferteron
    the soldiers looked around and saw nothing all of a sudden the 14 rookies in the back were knocked unconscious weapons taken from them.
    Shots came from all 14 rifles he had and all the soldiers in his way fell.
    "Militant Ferteron nice to meet you again i thought i left alone on that island a few months ago how did you get home?"
    "Dakkar you little snot I gonna kill you one of these days!"
    "HA no you won't."
    BLAM!!!! the militant dropped unconscious Dakkar even wondered himself why he just doesn't kill the man it's a wonder.
    "Well the distractions are over, lets see if my good friend Tudelo has left the planet yet.",thought the assassin as he tried to hot-wire the ship to get to his alternative hideout since that the other one was raided by the police and everything confiscated."I knew I should have kept at least a pistol with me at the spot." he thought " they will never find you here, it's almost invisible he say little rat." he got his gear and started his way to hunting down his " friend ".