As the sun fall on the Land of Tea, are story start in a single act of salvation. on the out skirts of silver vilage, a single person walk alone, going from the town.
"Ant you going back to town? It dangerest out ther with all the beast running muck out there." a farmer said as he pulled his cart toward the town. I paid him no mind, as I walk I could see the group of beast running toward me.
"So boring a group of wild dogs." As I pepard my self I geabed my katana, in a spit secont I cut down six of them, as the other for rush me I dogged them like it thay were moving in slow mo. One here one there by the time I was done ten dog layed there. I lifted A small pocket watch, when I opend the face A blue light came out of it,
"master, what is it you ask of me?" a small blue flame started to talk.
"ten wild dog, I need to know what the amount of zen are they good for. yes sir," the flame started to fly around passing in and out of the dogs, when it stop looking and came back to the watch, "two hundret zen, the meat might give you a good price, and the fur is nice." as he said this I closed the face and pocket him. I work as night came. I look my self over in the pond neer by. my bamboo hat was staind red from the blood, so was my black kimono, and I was cleaning my katana any way. as I waited for my thing to dry I washed my face, blue sea eyes, black short hair, my ears were eazy to see now. I was pround of how I look I don't care if I treated as if I carry the plage, or that I have to hid that I am a HBD or half blood demon. I was walking back to silver vilage I sure the meat will go bad if I keep it. the town was founded on a rich silver mine.the market was buzzing like a bee hive, I sold the meat and fur for a good prize. as I was setting off I heard a lot of yelling.
"stop that girl she a half blood demon!" A bunch of gards were going after a cat class HBD. I just stuck out my foot and let them fall over each other. As she stop and look at the falling gards it was a funny sight, as I walk away I could here them yelling after me. I did not stick around, of course I did not get far I was srounded and brought befor the head of the town.
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