As I walked toward my neighbor’s door I couldn’t help but notice there weren’t more than two lights on in the entire house, which was odd. Everyone knew Petunia Mason had a thing for leaving every light in the house on so she could find everything. Poor Steve had no choice but to let her do it or get complained at. Sometimes I worried that Steven might leave his wife but he really did love her, at least that is what he said as he passed me at work. I looked at the door just now noticing I had been standing there for longer than was necessary for a visit. I rolled my eyes at myself hoping no one from the street had seen my folly. I reached out and clicked the door bell. I heard a loud chime from inside and waited for someone to answer. When the door started to open I started to explain why I was on Petunia’s doorstep.
“I’m sorry…” I stopped noticing it wasn’t Petunia I was talking too. It was a man around 5’5, in glasses, covered in sweat and in dirt. It took me a second to realize it was Steve because Steve was always squeaky clean with clothes that were always ironed. This was surprising enough, coupled with the fact that he was home and had never before skipped work I felt something was wrong. Today was a day he had to work so he shouldn’t have been home. I guess he noticed how stupidly I was looking at him because he cleared his throat.
“Come on in George, and tell me what you need.” He moved out of the way so I could get in. I shook my head, breaking out of the shock I had been in.
“Uh thanks Steven. I apologize about just now; I just didn’t expect you home. Don’t you have work today?” I asked as I moved inside of the scarily clean house. He gave me a smile that was bright, again so very unlike him. He led me to the living room to sit down before he answered me. Somewhere in the background I could hear the radio
“Well yeah but I needed a day off so I took a personal day,” he smiled in a friendly way.
“Oh I see, well that’s good. You need a day off once in a while.” I smiled at him. “Why are you so sweaty though, working hard in the garden?” I chuckled at him and he joined in, looking down at his clothes.
“Something like that.” He looked back at me. “So what can I do ya for George?”
“Well actually I came to try and convince your old lady to come help out at the blood drive this weekend. She home?”
“No, I’m sorry she isn’t in the house at the moment but if you want I could come in for her.” I stood up smiling at the awkward man as I did.
“Don’t bother yourself there Steve. You have stuff to do. I will catch your old lady at the grocery store or later.” He shifted slightly on his feet but gave me a grin. He blinked and looked at the door before he looked back at me.
“Well, actually, she isn’t at the store and she won’t be in later.”
“Oh yeah? When can I catch her next?” I couldn’t keep my eyebrows from rising in question.
“Oh George I don’t think you can catch her.” He started to laugh and it sounded odd, even for the nerd in front of me. It sounded sharper, almost insane.
“Steven…where is your wife? And didn’t you have a dog?”
“Can’t you hear them? Barking like a couple of harpies.” He started to laugh again. “They are in the back yard Georgy boy.” He kept laughing as if something was hilarious. “I love my wife so much even if she complains all the time.” I didn’t hear a thing.
“Steve no one’s talking…no one’s home right?” He gave me a look and his eyes were full of life rather than the dull blue they usually were. It dawned on me. “You don’t have a garden.” I said absently.
“Six feet under and she still complains,” he said. “Six feet under and she still complains.” My eyes widened with horror as it became obvious. “Six feet under and she still complains, six feet under and she still freaking complains…”
Somewhere in the house the radio spurred out a song. “I Used to love her but I had to kill her.”
I Used To Love Her
I was dared to write a story matching the song "I Used To Love Her" by AC/DC and this is what I came up with. Would love to hear what everyone thinks.
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