• It was evening, or better said; night.
    A full moon shined brightly and stars twinkled in the sky.
    A noise came from the trees; a tall boy with silver hair walked trough the forest.
    Zero sighed. ‘Always these stupid patrol rounds, it’s not like I don’t have anything better to do.’ In his pocket he felt a pistol; a beautiful silver pistol. The pistol is used to kill vampires with. The truth be told, he is a vampire himself, but he didn’t consider himself one. He considered himself the enemy; a Vampire Hunter, just like his parents, but they were murdered by a Pure Blood Vampire.

    ‘Well, well, took you long enough.’ A voice from behind Zero said. He turned around with the pistol is his hand.
    There was a tall boy with brown hair leaning against a tree.
    ‘What are you doing here?’ Zero asked aggressive as he pointed the pistol towards the other young man. ‘You’re not supposed to be here, go back to your school, Kaname.’ Zero continued angry.
    Kaname laughed softly. His eyes still twinkled amused, even though Zero pointed a gun at him. He stepped forward to Zero. ‘You’re going to shoot me?’ he asked challenging.
    Zero loaded his pistol. He could shoot Kaname if he wanted to, but something inside of him stopped him from doing so. Kaname stepped towards Zero once again. The pistol Zero was holding was now against the chest of Kaname. He took Zero’s hand, the hand in which he was holding the gun. ‘Shoot me. I know you want to’, Kaname whispered, and pressed the gun harder against his chest

    Zero didn’t move. What the hell was Kaname doing? Zero stepped backwards a few steps.
    ‘W-what do you think you’re doing?’, Zero stuttered angry and confused. He didn’t get at all why Kaname was acting like this. ‘Zero.. You look so attractive when you look confused’, Kaname said while he gently touched Zero’s soft hair.
    ‘Beat it!’, Zero yelled pissed off before he slapped Kaname’s hand away.
    Kaname looked at Zero confused, but confusion turned into laughter very quick.
    Zero pushed Kaname away, and ran away. While he was running he placed his hand where Kaname touched him. He suddenly felt that he was blushing. He stopped running at once and touched his face. It was warm; he really was blushing! Because... Because.. Kaname had touched him.

    The next night…

    Zero was still thinking about the fact that Kaname acted very strange last night. He had tried to believe it was all a dream, or just a strange hallucination because of his lack of sleep. But that didn’t work unfortunately.
    He didn’t want to walk trough the forest anymore, he secretly was afraid of a similar situation like the night before. ‘I’ve missed you’, he heard Kaname saying teasingly. Zero quickly turned around. Kaname was standing on the other side of the fountain and looked at Zero.
    ‘How mean of you leaving me behind all alone, right when I wanted you the most, Zero’, Kaname said still looking at him, while he slowly walked around the fountain towards Zero.
    ‘Ehm..’ Zero said. He couldn't say anything that made sense. Kaname wants him? Was this all a sick joke? Zero pinched himself in his arm. It hurt so he wasn’t dreaming. He looked up, and saw Kaname standing right in front of him.

    ‘You shouldn’t think so much’, Kaname said while he softly touched Zero’s cheek.
    Zero looked at Kaname with big wide open eyes.
    ‘Just ignore your emotions; your hatred and anger. Enjoy’, Kaname whispered. Slowly Kaname bowed towards Zero’s face. Kaname softly kissed Zero on his lips. Zero couldn’t move anymore. What in the World was going on? At the moment, he was being kissed by the Pure Blood Kuran Kaname. Maybe even worse; a guy! But still.. There was something, something that felt very comfortable. One side of Zero was fighting and said he should shoot Kaname. But the other side was very pleased with the situation. Slowly he wrapped his arms around Kaname, and pulled him closer. Kaname pushed Zero against a tree and kissed him again. Suddenly Zero realized they weren’t alone for very much longer; he heard someone coming. Zero pushed Kaname away, and looked who was coming. He saw Yuki running towards them.
    Zero’s breath almost stopped. Did she see them making out?

    ‘Don’t tell me you’re fighting again?’, Yuki asked a bit upset. Luckily she didn’t see what just happened.
    ‘No, we weren’t’, Zero replied. ‘Good!’, she said as she grabbed Zero’s hand and took him with her ‘You’re supposed to be patrolling, remember!’, she said angry while she waved to Kaname. Zero followed Yuki, but looked back over his shoulder at Kaname.
    He was smiling and waved to Zero. ‘See you next time’, Kaname whispered so only Zero could hear him.