Chapter 14- Dr. Wily's tower

    *John after the fight with Vile, he walked out from the opposite door of the dome he was in, he walked through the Wily tower court yard and seen monuments of Dr. Wily himself on one corner and a statue of Dalton in the other corner. John walked into the staircase of the central building and through the large doors and walked inside the tower. Moments later, John was inside Dr. Wily's new fortress.*

    (music playing- Demolished WWW/ Megaman Battle Network Transmission)Download

    John= I made it this far. If the others want me to continue on, then I have to believe in them. Well, here goes.

    *John waltzed in the building lobby and with his Model N equipped, fired at a few groups of Daltons robots and humanoid security guards. John blasted quite a few but he did not collect any parts this time. John continued through the lobby and he reached the climbing corridors a bit further ahead. John began to wall kick his way up the tall tower which was 3 X the height of Kings Dominions Eiffel tower. It was a long tricky climb but John managed to pull through even if he had to disable a few traps along the way. Then he ran into a wall with a narrow passage area, though he could slide with the Model N despite that it has wings, but it actually worked. John was at the other side of the room. He successfully jumped over one spike pit to another and he shot a few spider shaped security drones with guns on there bodies. Later on, John found a security door and John went through but as he did, the door locked behind him.*

    (music changes to- Guarder room/ Megaman Zero arranged album)Download

    John= Whoa? I expect this is a trap of some sort.

    *The small hallway lead to another door identical to the one he just came through. John walked ahead and entered the door, and as soon as he stepped inside, it was another room but it was fairly dark with a slight lighting. Then John caught sight of a huge green blob which took form of the humanoid like shape as the Yellow Devil did back at the mines when he was with Fenfir. It was none other than the Green Devil.*

    John= Shoot, this wont take too long.

    (music changes to- Crash/ Megaman Zero arranged album)Download

    *The Green Devil sunk back into the floor which was made up of a grill like design allowing it to slurp down inside the shaft like liquid. John took caution knowing this creature was attempting to attack him. Then it made it's move. The creature rose back up from the spot and John spotted it's eye inside it's gelatin body. John equipped one of Model N's sub-weapons "Storm Tornado" and fired it at the green creature. The wind attack opened up the vulnerable spot but the wind attack didn't effect it so John set another weapon "Ray Splasher" which made his cannon fire a machine gun like barrage of plasma shots, but that didn't do too much either. The green creature oozed back down the shaft and took it's body formation of a title wave. John successfully avoided the attack by triple jumping. Then the green blob rose back up and took it's original form again. John fires the storm tornado again opening up it's vulnerable spot again but this time he used, "Ray Arrow" and actually did a good amount of damage to it. John finally casted his (Thunder 3) spell and finished it off, and it dried up until it was nothing left.*

    (music changes back to- Demolished WWW/ Megaman Battle Network Transmission)

    John= Whew, that wasn't so bad. I better get going.

    *John walked to another security door and then found some ladders he climbed and fought through some baddies to the top of another station this time he was in the lab station. John spotted some huge containers and finally he spotted the vault from the forbidden temple and it was opened.*

    John= Oh great. That vault thing is opened up and emptied. I wonder what it looked like? Let's just hope he didn't complete the damn thing.

    *John continued forward until he reached a chamber filled with factory equipment and robotic construction machines. It appeared to be a factory where all the mechanloids, drones, and Dalton's designed robots were being created. John had no time to deal with the devices, he had to move on forward. He later found a huge chamber where he noticed a huge pit full of spikes and dangerous terrain. John equipped his Model B and activated flight mode and flew over some areas, even triple jump and phoenix jumping were too treacherous to perform. John found some sub weapon recover capsules when he opened a box and shot a few drones.There were Cybots guarding several areas, Alkaline ooze blobs crawling through several platforms, Bugger 4 legged units in the middle looking like there actually guarding the corridor's. John re-equipped the Model N and charged his twin cannons and blasted every one to scrap. John later found another security door. Same as before locking itself as soon as John steps through.*

    (music changes to- Guarder room/ Megaman Zero arranged album)

    John= Looks like there's another mid boss this way. Let's see what's behind door #2?

    *John enters the next room and there was a smaller chamber than the one with the Green Devil. Then this robot looking thing floated downward the room. It was Guardian and it's little helpers Bit's that acted like service robots to help it.*

    John= Looks like a piece of ol' Dalton's cheesy hard ware. Time to take this guy out.

    (music changes to- Crash/ Megaman Zero arranged album)

    *The Guardian robot began to shoot laser beams and the Bit's began to shoot as well. John charged up some energy and released some of his barrage of plasma shots from his cannons. John used the triple jump and triple dash to avoid incoming Drones and energy sparks traveling on the ground. John charged the Storm Tornado and released the energy creating massive tornado blasts directly on the Guardian. With a short matter of moments, the Guardian exploded and the security doors unlocked.*

    (music playing- Demolished WWW/ Megaman Battle Network Transmission)

    John= Is this all you guys have? HA! I almost feel sorry for you bad guys.

    *John exits the next door and finds himself in a place filled with broken cat walks unfit to walk on and areas full of long drops and obstacles he knew triple jumping and triple midair dashing couldn't get through alone. So John equipped the Model Ph and used it's grapple ability and jumped from one bar to another. The new sub-weapon Roll made for John was a claw shot like device that John could chain grapple from one area to another. For a few minutes later, John made it to the other side easily through the wrecked area and unfinished construction. Later he found himself at another outside space where there was still more construction work and the rails looked like it had gear marks so John used the Spinner to travel to the top of the next tower and to the next and so on. Later John reached another sky dome where he entered and there was another security door. John entered the door. It instantly took him inside the domed area where there was a large chamber and Bass was standing in the middle.*

    (music changes to- Bass's theme/ Megaman 8 )Download

    Bass= At last, I been waiting for you John. You thought you were slick to beat me twice huh? This time I will continue where that Vile left off.

    John= You sure don't give up do you?

    Bass= This time will be different, behold super Bass form!

    (music stops)

    *A huge vast of energy surrounded Bass transforming him into a winged light purple form similar to his Treble formation but more powerful*

    Bass= Let's see how you handle me NOW!!

    (music playing- Destroy the firewall/ Megaman Battle network Network Transmission)Download

    *Bass flew high in the air and lands on a platform firing his Bass buster at John and John dashed away from the barrages and still in his Model Ph, John clinged under a platform for cover. John equipped Model Pr and dropped back down and fired back at Bass.*

    Bass= Your still using that old piece of 21st century robot biometal!?

    John= Old, but a fine classic!

    Bass= Time to be schooled!

    *Bass dove down and fired a homing knuckle at John John tried to block it with the Proto shield but it was too strong and John took a big hit and was flung backwards. Bass then took off in the air again and tried to stomp on him. John rolled out of the way in time. Bass had a lucky shot and fired a laser ray hitting John and pelting him to the other corner.*

    John= Urghhhh, alright! That's it! Time for something new.

    *John switched biometals again this time Model A*

    Bass= Huh? What's that!? No matter, Im still gonna win.

    John= Then what are you waiting for!?

    *Bass took another shot at John with his purple laser ray, he missed and John used copy shot on Bass copying his laser ray. John gave him a taste of his own medicine with a few shots.*

    Bass= WHA!?? How did he.......? Now your askin for it!!

    *Bass tried another strategy and fired many projectiles at once and rained down on John but John used Model A's ability to copy the similar attack and John fired a few of the attacks right back at him.*

    Bass= What's with this guy!!

    *Then Bass summoned a huge 3 ring sphere that almost filled 1/2 the room and there were gear marks on it and it had moving guns on it, similar to Dalton's designs. John equipped Model B then jumped on his spinner and rode the rails of the sphere's ring.As soon as Bass flew closer, John coiled from the ring and took a physical whack at him. John knew Bass was receiving major damage and his temper was getting worse. John used his Bass buster and fired a few shots at him then set himself to hover mode and flew up ways from the ring as Bass was trying to get far away.Bass began to fire missiles at John then John switched to Model N and triple air dashed to the wall to avoid it and charged his cannons and laid the final assault on him. Bass was hit directly and then he dropped straighter down crashing on the sphere rings he summoned thus crushing him badly.*

    (music dies down)

    Bass= Noooo....ooooo... ahhh... John.... you .... will ne...ver..get aw...ay with this! .... Wily... save meh....ehhhhh..ughhhh!

    *Bass's body exploded*

    John= Bass. You were always too ignorant among yourself.

    *John walked to the elevator and rode the elevator up to the final floor of the Wily tower.*

    John= Looks like this is it. Ol Doc's gonna answer to me when I get my hands on him.

    (music playing- Ura Internet/ Megaman Battle Network Transmission)Download

    *John found himself in a well finished area surrounded with pillar and castle like design filled with neon lights and a design similar to the sealed temple. John sprinted ahead. Then he spotted a whole armada of both Dr. Wily's and Dalton's robots firing at him like a stampede. John charged both Model N's canons to maximum and blasted every one in sight. Then John stepped on a platform at a dead end which rose like a small service elevator taking him up higher to another lever. John reached another ambush checkpoint and a lot of Blue shield guarders, Boss Orb's, Debugger's, Debuggest's, Krakker's, Laser Guard's (tiny orb shaped robots), and more of Dr. Wily's robots that looked from old to new. All attacked John at once. John used the Giga crush in his Model N form and demolished every single one with one use of it. Then John came across a door and walked through it realizing it's another security door. But it didn't lead to another battle chamber this time, there was a ramped hallway that lead to a drop. John hopped in the drop and landed in a chamber with 4 teleporters.*

    John= These teleporters of Wily's again. Do I have to fight his..... nah! Couldn't be.

    *John noticed there was no exit in the chamber and would not appear until he fought all the 4 masters of the chamber.*

    Dr. Wily (intercom)= Oh John! I hope you're enjoying yourself. Let me see you one last time before my master robot friends fry you.

    John= Ha! not too likely.

    Dr. Wily (intercom)= Oh, we will see. *snickers*

    *John stood in one of the 4 teleporters and was teleported into a chamber with a huge place for keeping a live animal. Then a big Behemoth similar to the one Dalton summoned in the mines appeared. But it began to charge at John.*

    John= Oh great. Another one of those. But that's not a robot.

    (music changes to- Rondo / Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles)Download

    *The Behemoth charged at John at a high speed trying to ram him with it's tusks. John used the Model N's triple jump and triple air dash to completely avoid the Behemoth's attack. John casted (Luminaire) on the Behemoth as it passed him. As soon as John landed, He used one of Model N's arsenal "Gravity Well" on the purple beast and it was super effective. The beast casted a few spells itself. It casted (fire 3) but John activated the Model N's Tenso blades and John attempted to use the "Runic blade technique" and the magic was absorbed as MP leaving the Behemoth's spell useless.
    The monster turned around and tried another tackle, but John dodged in time and casted (gravity) on the Behemoth causing it to collapse leaving it open for a pelting. John fired a few fully charged cannon shots before it got back up.
    John continued to use the gravity hold until the purple beast fell and died. Then it's caucus vaporized. After the fight John was teleported out back into the teleporter room.*

    (music changes back to Ura Internet/ Megaman Battle Network Transmission)

    John= Well, that's one down.

    *John notices that the capsule he came out of, it's lights ceased to function. John walked into the next one and was teleported into another battle room.*

    (music changes to- Guarder room/ Megaman Zero Arranged album)Download

    Aztec Falcon= Look who's here. If it isn't the human guy who teamed up with those Bonne pirates.

    Hanumachine= Yeah, I got a bone to pick with you after you let us get wasted by that Dalek!

    Maha Ganeshariff= I wanted a chance to fight you John, but looks like your all up against us at the same time. How unlucky for you.

    John= Looks like that Behemoth was only a warm-up.

    Blizzack Staggroff= Looks like Dr. Wily's robots were not too much of a challenge. We sure are!

    Anubis= Your going back to the soil old man!

    John= WHAT!? How dare you call me old!

    Herculious Anchus= Hmph. You sure have some spunk there pops!

    John= And you used to serve Megaman. Why don't you just give up this wreckless debate serving Dr. Wily?

    Aztec Falcon= We serve Dr. Wily now. Now prepare to be retired, human!

    (music changes to- Crash/ Megaman Zero "original gamerip)Download

    *Herculious Anchus flew straight and attempted to ram John, but John jumped out of the way, Blizzack Staggroff, fired his blizzard thrower attempting to slow John down with some ice, but John was too tricky. John casted (Flare) fire magic which covered the entire battle chamber damaging all opponents. Blizack was damages highly. Hanumachine was only scratched. John got rammed by Maha Ganeshariff from behind with his belly flop. Then tried to use his rolling attack, but John jumped out of the way using triple jump. John then casted (thunder 3 ) on the elephant looking robot, and he took a super effective damage. Hanumachine summoned tiny monkey robots to hit John but John charged up his Neo cannons and dashed for the wall and wall kicked to reach high ground. Hanumachine was charging towards John's direction followed by Maha Ganeshariff as he was in wrecking ball form ready to smash on to John, and Herculious Anchus was also flying towards John. John casted his non elemental magical attack spell (Delta Force) which caused lots of damage on Hanumachine, Maha Ganeshariff, Herculious Anchus thus stunning them and John fired both his Neo canons dispatching the 3 of them at once. Blizzack Staggroff jumped high in attempt to land on John but John performed a backwards dash to evade him and John casted (Fire 3) on him. Then John whipped out the Tensou blade attack on him causing severe damage on him. John maneuvered out of the way and charged the canons again. Aztec Falcon dove downward on John smacking him into the floor and Blizzack fired some ice rocks at John damaging him but not highly effective. John turned his cannon to Blizzack and dispatching him. John casted (Ice 3) on Aztec Falcon, sending him falling and John performed the "Finishing blow" on him and dispatching him. As soon as all robot guardians were destroyed, John was teleported out from the chamber.*

    (music changes back to Ura Internet/ Megaman Battle Network Transmission)

    *Once John was back in the teleporter room, 2 of the teleporters were disabled and 2 more to go. John steps into the 3rd one and gets teleported into another battle chamber very identical to the last one.*

    (music changes back to- Guarder room/ Megaman Zero Arranged album)

    Burble Hekelot= *croaks* You must be John. Lord Wily told us you may be coming.

    Kuwagust Anchus= I see you were able to best my brother. You will not be able to best us pal!

    Panter Flauclaws= With my claws, you will be cut to shreds inferior human of the past!

    Phoenix Magnion= With my flame, you will be burned to ashes and be removed from this world. A stone age human like yourself has no place here.

    Poler Kamrous= Oh c'mon Magnion, I was looking forward to freezing him back into the ice age. *chuckles*

    John= Can we just skip the crap talk and get on with it already!?

    Hyleg Ourobockle= *hissing* you are such a rude creature! Alright, everyone floor that creep in the name of Dr. Wily!

    John= Here we go again. *shrugs*

    (music changes to- Crash/ Megaman Zero "original gamerip)

    *Hyleg Ourobockle summons his flying snake robotic creature and Poler Kamrous began to throw ice blocks at John, John began to jump and wall kick to reach higher ground and avoid getting damaged. Phoenix Magnion flew quickly and hit John and knocked him on the floor and Panter Flauclaws tried to pounce on John but John dashed quickly and casted a wind elemental magic attack (Twister) similar to Harpuia's special attack. Panter Flauclaws and Phoenix Magnion were caught in the vortex and received good damage. Polar Kamrous builds up energy to create a huge ice pillar and attempts to fling it at John. John gets back up and performs a triple jump to avoid it but Phoenix Magnion kept flying into John knocking him down. John tries to lure him towards himself so he could defeat him but the other robot bosses kept pursuing him and Panter Flauclaws seemed to be fast too. John got angry and decided to use his spell (Gravity field) and once he did, Panter Flauclaws, Phoenix Magnion, and Hyleg Ourobockle got caught in it and was momentarily paralyzed. Then John casted (Delta Storm) and this time he had the right amount of MP to use it without draining his stamina. All of the bosses were hit hard by it. Phoenix Magnion and Panter Flauclaws the speedsters of the group were dispatched due to there damage from the wind attack they suffered. Everyone else took a good amount of damage. Kuwagust Anchus attempted to Dash into John with his pincers open, but John evaded the attack with a dash. John equipped his Neo cannon with (Shotgun Ice) and fired a few shots on him. Then Kuwagust Anchus was dispatched. Burble Hekelot attempted to power himself up and make himself large so he could roll into John and Polar Kamrous was attempting to dash into him. John then casted (Flare) and both ere struck and were hit hard. John then used his (flame thrower) on Polar Kamrous and he was finished, then John turned his Tensou blades on Burble Hekelot and finished him off and thus that battle ended. John was teleported out from the chamber.*

    (music playing- Ura Internet/ Megaman Battle Network Transmission)

    *John was back in the teleporter room with only one teleporter left.*

    John= Whew. This is it. The last one.

    *John steps into the final teleporter and was transported to a humongous chamber with water filled aquarium, a huge dome ceiling with a sky view, and the catwalks looked extremely sturdy. Then he spotted Dalton standing in the middle of the giant dome chamber.*

    (music stops slowly)

    John= DALTON!

    Dalton= It's been awhile John. Good to see you made it this far. Now to send you some buddies for you to play with.

    *Dalton snapped his finger and new fake guardians appeared. Copy H, Copy F and Copy L but no Copy Ph in sight.*

    (music playing- Suitable opponent/ Sonic Adventure 2 Battle)Download

    John= These guys again!?

    Copy F= Yes you little twerp!

    Copy L= You jerk! Do you think we would be gone forever? HA! You are in for a world of hurt.

    Copy H= b*****d! You will pay the price for humiliating us by death!

    John= PTH! Yeah right, that's rich coming from the dark hearted a*****e version of my guardian buddies, but where's Copy Phantom?

    Dalton= He just wasn't compatible for the new trick up my sleeve so I resurrected these 3 instead. I hope you like this your gonna cry and scream before you die. *laughs*

    *Dalton raises his arm and the 3 fake guardians took there positions. Copy F stood behind Dalton, Copy L jumped in the water, and Copy H took off in the air and this white orb shined on them 1 for each. Then suddenly Copy H morphed into a tank with four cannons. Copy L takes on the form of a gigantic, robot stingray, and Copy H takes on the form of a bomber plane.*

    John= Oh s**t, you got to be kidding me.

    Dalton= Well, I like to stay for your funeral but I have to help Dr. Wily prepare Dr. Weil's preparations. Byelo!!

    *Dalton teleports from the chamber*

    John= DALTON!!! Get back here!!

    Copy F= Forget it wimp! Your with us now. Im gonna beat you up nice and good, just stay still for me.

    Copy L= You want to get soaked, I can get you stung, frost bitten and waterlogged.

    Copy H= And I can take you for a spin in my propellers and hurricane canon so you can puke your guts out!

    John= You know what guys, you imposters of my friends are really pissin me off you know that?

    Copy L= What are you waiting for guys? Lets rip him apart.

    Copy H= I can get him from above, you just whack him good when he hits the water.

    Copy F= And when he's on land, I will bowl him over. *chuckles*

    (music playing- Beat of destruction/ Wonderers from Y's "Redbook" wink Download

    *Copy F charged full speed towards John's direction. John jumped off the catwalks and began to perform "Water hop" over the water when Model L fired torpedoes at him from under water and Copy H flew lower to fire machine laser gun shots from above. John got struck by one of the torpedoes and John jumped to the corners platform and began to dash through the walls catwalks firing his cannons at Copy L but he caught a glimpse at Copy F driving to the wall catwalks attempting to cut him off, John found tread marks on the walls good enough to use his spinner disc on so he hoped on his disc and began to spiral up in high speed. John avoided Copy F easily and Copy H began to turn around and open fire with his cannons of his tank form. Copy H fired a missile and hit the wall causing John's spinner to detach from the tread mark and fall towards the water. John fell in the water and dove deeper and Copy L was heading toward him full speed and began to fire ice shots at him. John fired a few missiles at her, then charges the other canon to fire a charged version of them at her. They all hit her but were ineffective. John noticed there was a circle in the middle of the tank so John equipped his Model L and swam full speed towards it. John used the spinner and spun the spinner on the hole and pillars from the 4 sides of the huge battle dome began to rise , there were 3 of them for each corner. John stopped and as soon as he got off, Copy L rammed him, and with a bit of anger, John flipped himself on Copy L's back and began to jab her with a few strikes of the halberd. Then John spotted mines and grenades being launched from the catwalks, John figured it was Copy F trying to help out Copy L, so John got off her and began to rise to the surface, and John rose from the water and fired a few (Ice Dragon) shots to hit Copy F and Copy H.*

    John= These guys are freaken tough!

    Copy F= What's a'matter shorty!? Were that much for' ya?

    Copy H= It's too late for mercy, your gonna die here and now! You will pay mercilessly for what you did to us!

    *Copy L was flinging back to John's Direction and as soon as John jumped back on the catwalk, John began to glow pink all of a sudden.*

    John= Model C, is that you!? What are you doing?

    Model C= Chiiiiiii.

    *Model C equipped itself to John and now John was mega merged with the pink biometal*

    Copy H= That kawaii biometal again!?

    Copy F= Do you really like that form that much!?

    Copy L= Or dose it like him?!

    Copy H= It doesn't matter now! He's dead meat no matter if he's in boots or heels!

    John= If you got a plan yourself better make it good.

    Model C= Use your magic. I will set myself so you can regenerate both your magic energy and recover health.

    John= Ok, but don't overwork yourself.

    Copy F= Who in the hell are you talking to? Yourself?

    Copy L= It's the biometal, he's talking to the biometal! That one is alive!

    *Copy F tried to ram him but John performed a phoenix jump and landed behind Model F and grabbed him and with super strength from the biometal, John picked him up even in the fact he weighed a few tons and John flung the heavy armored Copy F into the water.*

    Copy F= What! Wait! Not the water! GUAHHHHHHH!

    Copy L= The water is my territory!

    John= I will try to deal with Copy airhead now while I can.

    Copy H= Why you cheater!!

    *Copy H fired a few hurricane missiles to damage John but wind element attacks were ineffective in John's current form and John casted (Ice 3) on Copy H since he was weak against ice now due to his boosted form.*

    Copy H= What!?? Im weak against ice!? Damnit! Everyone watch it! We got our weaknesses back! Our shadow aura cant help us in these forms! Just kill the pink b*****d!

    *Copy F fired a grapple hook from one of his canon barrels attempting to free himself from the aquarium. Copy L began to try new strategies. She charged from a far corner and jumped from the water firing Ice spreader missiles at John from the catwalks, but John dashed away and turned and jumped like a mantis and grabbed Copy L before she can go back in the water and John flung her on the edge of the catwalks.*

    Copy L= Water! WATER!! HELP ME!!!!

    *John casted (Fire 3 ) on her giving her massive damage. Copy H grabbed John with one of his landing talons and was raising higher in the chamber.*

    Copy H= I am going to crush you and end this!

    John= Oh yeah!?

    *John casted (Antipode 3 ) when he was grabbed by Copy H, and he received major damage, and John grabbed a hold of him by the talon and tail to climb on his back and John held on tight.*

    John= Let's see how you like the water airhead!

    Copy H= AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

    *John used his micro jam and physical force of the Model C, forced Copy H to lose control and fall into the water, ramming into Copy F and Copy L got caught from underneath them both and John casted (Delta Force) finishing the 3 of them off at once. Then they exploded and all the water began to drain from the aquarium.*

    (music fades away and now playing- The Grudge/ Tales of Symphonia)Download

    Copy H= Wh...wh....wh...why.....can't .... we .... defeat him!?

    Copy F= Pip....pi...pipsqu....eeeeeek.... guhhh..uhh.

    Copy L= How.... are we ....so...de...feat...ed?

    John= Look at yourselves. You act like barbarians. Can't you see you are just copies of the guardians and not the real thing? All this fake power Dalton has given you, this dark power. And using the forms of the past on me? Don't you see?

    Copy H= We.... are like..... imposters?

    John= Sort of.

    *Suddenly, John was teleported from the chamber and back to the telepoter room.*

    (music goes back to Ura Internet/ Megaman Battle Network Transmission)

    *John notices all the teleporters are now down and the other door is now unlocked.*

    John= Finally, and about time too. Whew. Are you ok little biometal?

    Model C= Chii?

    John= Uh.... your status then?

    Model C= I am in work and function sufficiency. I am fully functional.

    John= That's good. Now let's get that Dr. Wily and Dalton, they have things to answer to.

    *John walks through the security door and steps into a chamber with a gravity thruster in it and John gets thrown all the way up to the surface of where the opening was and there laid another door this time with Dr. Wily's insignia on it and John walks through the door. John finds himself inside a chamber that had an outdoor view of the central tower itself with computers and there at the center on a large metal chair with built in computer terminals and controllers. The chair turned around and there in it was no other than Dr. Wily himself.*

    (music fades and now plays- Dr. Wily Stage 3 / Megaman 3 )Download

    Dr. Wily= I see you got through all my defenses, im really impressed.

    John= Where is Dr. Weil, Wily?

    Dr. Wily= Weil had to go somewhere else to finish his "Project Haven", he said he had some other issues to attend to.

    John= Well, whatever you guys are up to, what do you plan to do now?

    Dr. Wily= Dr. Weil said I can do whatever I want in Abagale now, he said he was planning on going after other adversaries.

    *The security door opened and Leviathan, Fenfir, Phantom, Harpuia, and Colonel appeared in the room.*

    (Music slowly fades)
    John= Hey you guys!

    Fenfir= Look, I can't believe it's really him, your alright!

    Colonel= You made it, im so relived.

    Leviathan= John! You made it this far before us? Man your good.

    Harpuia= John! Im so glad your ok?

    Phantom= I knew you would get here before we could.

    Fenfir= You even got out bad imposters again too, I heard!

    John= Oh you GUYYYYEESSS!!!

    *John unattentaly glomped the whole group which he never attended but was the effects of the Model C biometal.*

    Fenfir= John, what are you doing!? Urghhh.

    Phantom= It's not him, it's the biometal.

    Harpuia= Cant you still control that thing!?

    Leviathan= Hahahahahaha!

    Colonel= Th...this.... is that unstable biometal you said saved all your lives?

    *They all get back up and recover from the glomp.*

    Dr. Wily= I hate to interrupt this reunion, but you guys are in my fortress without permission! Now to deal with you all since you are now here.

    *What will happen next since the heroes are now in Dr. Wily's presence? Stay tuned for the next Megaman Heroes*