• Eliza Isolde Maclure. The name stared me in the face from my college acceptance letter that I’d received several months ago. I’d always been fond of my name, though I was always secretly grateful that my mother and father had chosen Isolde as my middle name, rather than my first name, simply because Eliza was easier to pronounce.
    I was a freshman in college. I was finally on my own. This is where my life truly began. Classes were to start on the first of September, and it was currently the last day of August. I sighed to myself as I pondered my reasons for wanting to continue with school after being a social outcast in high school. I was sure college wouldn’t be any better, but I figured that since I graduated at the top of my class I would at least give it a shot- it couldn’t hurt…could it?
    As I glanced around my dorm room, there were several things ticking me off. The amount of white space on the walls was overwhelming, there wasn’t nearly enough drawer space, and my window was broken and only opened a crack.
    I sighed loudly and went to give my window another try. Grunting and pushing upward I thought I felt my window budge a bit. I had closed my eyes while attempting to force the window open, because I always seem to think it gives me a bit more strength. When the window went up so easily, I opened my eyes to find myself staring into a pair of dazzling blue eyes. Surprised, I gasped and tripped backwards, falling hard on my floor.
    “Are you alright?” Asked the stranger.
    “Er…yes…” I mumbled, as he offered his hand to help me up. “Thanks.”
    “Anytime.” He smiled charmingly.
    I couldn’t help but smile back. There was something about him – that I couldn’t quite put my finger on – that really intrigued me. I stood silent for a moment. Before I could speak we caught each other’s gaze, I felt my entire body go cold.
    “…Are you sure you’re alright?” He asked again, raising a quizzical eyebrow. “You look a bit pale…”
    “I live in bloody England…of course I look pale.” I chuckled at my sad attempt at humor.
    “England? That sounds really interesting. I’d say you’re from around London, judging by your accent.” He said, a half smile lighting up his face.
    “Actually…you’re right.” I said slowly, eyeing him.
    Chuckling at my cautiousness, he introduced himself. “I’m Benjamin…Benjamin White…and you are?”
    “Eliza Maclure. Nice meeting you Benjamin.” I said softly, smiling crookedly. My face was a brilliant color of pink.
    “Same for you.” He said walking toward the door. “I’ll see you later.” He turned and smiled at me before he walked out of my room, shutting the door behind him.
    I stood near my window awkwardly for a moment staring at my door. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of Benjamin, there was something about him that seemed almost irresistible, and I wasn’t sure what it was. Those eyes. It had to be those amazing eyes; I’d never seen anything like them, I still had goosebumps from catching his gaze.
    The sound of people outside pulled me out of my daze. I glanced out my newly opened window and saw a group of girls walking, they all seemed so happy, chatting and laughing loudly. It irritated me that some people were so socially accepted when I would have died to have just one friend back in England.
    My reflection in the mirror by my window distracted me, I turned and looked at myself. Sighing, I ran my fingers through my shoulder length hair. I loved my hair, it was a blue black color, and people never believed me when I told them it was natural. Usually my hair was curly but I’d taken the time to use a flat iron today so it was silky and straight. The dark hair made my fair complexion look even lighter, and it didn’t help that I always wore dark eye makeup- I just liked how the colors made my hazel brown eyes look gold. I turned to the side, as if I were trying a new pair of jeans, to look at myself. Smirking, I turned back to face forward towards the mirror. Most people had some kind of grievance about themselves, but I was very happy with everything about myself. So I wasn’t a perfect size three, I could still be beautiful at size fourteen and no one could tell me otherwise.
    I walked over to my desk and sat down. My laptop was open, and there was a message flashing on the screen.
    “That’s odd…it’s too late for anyone in England to be talking to me…” I mumbled to myself as I clicked the message. I didn’t recognize the name.
    'Hello.' The message said.
    'Hello.' I typed in return. 'Who is this?'
    'Benjamin. We just met a little while ago, I helped with your window.'
    I froze. How did he get my screen name? 'Oh right, hello. How did you get my screen name Benjamin?'
    'Your laptop was open, and I glanced at it when I was leaving. Your screen name isn’t exactly hard to remember.'
    I laughed because he was right. Not the most creative screen name- ElizaM. 'Oh that’s true. Thank you for earlier, it was really nice of you to help with my window.'
    'Not a problem Eliza. I just happened to be walking by and saw you struggling to open it, so I just popped in to help.'
    I smiled. 'Well it was very nice of you.' I half expected the conversation to end there, but then I noticed the screen said he was typing so I waiting a moment for a reply.
    'I was actually sending you a message to ask you something. Would you like to maybe do something sometime? Like a movie?'
    My mouth gaped. Was I really getting asked out? 'Haha.' I typed, thinking he was joking.
    'What’s so funny?'
    'You are.'
    'And why is that?'
    'Because you actually asked me out.'
    'Why is that funny Eliza? A no would have sufficed…'
    'I wasn’t saying no Benjamin.' I typed quickly to avoid hurting him.
    'Then what were you saying?'
    'Yes. I’ll go. I’m sorry, I just don’t get asked out very often.' Never to be exact.
    'Hmm. Well I’ll pick you up at 7.'
    'Tonight?!' I was shocked this ‘date’ was so soon.
    'Unless that’s a bad time…'
    'Oh no, it’s fine. Where would you like to meet then?'
    'I’ll come find you. See you soon.' And he logged off.
    I stared blankly at the screen for a moment. I was going on a date. My very first. At seven. I glanced at my clock, and jumped up quickly.
    “Six forty five?! Well that’s just bloody awesome!” I complained as I went to my bureau to try and find an outfit that wasn’t pajama bottoms and a tank top.
    Swearing to myself I pulled out top after top until I found my very favorite shirt- a black and blue bodice top with long sleeves. I pulled off my tank top and put the other shirt on. Then I grabbed my dark wash jeans and changed into them. I walked over to my mirror and posed a few times to make sure I liked how I looked. I did.
    There was a light knock on my door, and I glanced at the clock. It was seven on the dot. I walked over and opened the door. Benjamin leaned against the door frame and smiled charmingly when he saw me. I felt myself blush.
    “Hey.” He said softly. His ice blue eyes glancing over my outfit. “Are you ready to go?”
    “Er…yeah.” I said as I grabbed my wristlet off of my bed. He chuckled lightly. “What?” I asked, confused.
    “Perhaps you’ll want to wear actual shoes out, rather than slippers.” He said, pointing to the slippers I had on my feet.
    I blushed again, as I went to grab my black heels. I slid them on and walked to the door. “Thanks for noticing that. I wouldn’t have realized until after we left.” I said, embarrassed.
    “Not a problem.” He said, glancing over my outfit again. “You look really nice.”
    I looked up at him. I didn’t realize how tall he was before, he had to have been at least six foot two. My eyes drifted to his outfit, a fitted black sweater and black slacks. Classy. I glanced back up at him and his gaze caught mine. The goosebumps returned and I went cold again, I shivered and he averted his gaze. “Thanks, I really like your outfit.” I said a moment too late it seemed.
    “Shall we?” He offered his hand.
    I slowly took it. He smiled. He hand was soft, like silk, but was a little clammy. I just assumed it was the unseasonably cold weather for late August. As we walked, there was no conversation. I felt slightly awkward holding hands with this stranger I’d just met, but in a way it felt right, almost natural. That part disturbed me, how could I feel so…comfortable…with someone I’ve just met?
    When we were in his car, a brand new Mitsubishi Spyder, I looked at him. I wanted to say something, but what? He looked at me as if he read my mind.
    “So tell me about yourself Eliza.” He said, as he drove.
    “Erm…what would you like to know?”
    “Anything.” He smiled, still looking at the road, though I thought I saw him shoot me a sideways glance.
    “That’s a bit vague…” I mumbled, thinking for a moment. “Well…my middle name is Isolde.”
    “Isolde.” He repeated to himself softly. “That’s a really beautiful name.”
    “What’s your middle name?” I asked curiously.
    “Hm. Not a very common name.” I smiled.
    “It was the name of my great great grandfather.”
    “Oh.” I said, not really thinking of anything else to add.
    Benjamin glanced at me to smile, only taking his eyes off the road for a moment. “So, do you have any preference for a movie to see?” He asked, obviously trying to change the subject.
    “Not really.” I said truthfully. “I’ll pretty much watch anything. What about yourself?”
    “Hm…” He thought aloud. “Perhaps we can decide when we get to the theater.”
    “That’s fine with me.” I looked out the car window. It was beginning to get dark, I sighed softly, watching the sun set.
    After hearing my sigh, Benjamin glanced at me. “Is everything alright?” He asked, slowing at a stop sign. By the way he looked at me, I could tell he was genuinely concerned.
    “Oh, everything’s fine…my mind was just wondering I suppose…” I said softly, my attention still on the sunset.
    “Mmm…” His voice was softer than my own.
    I could still tell my answer wasn’t very convincing. But what was I going to tell him? No, I’m not alright. I’m hundreds of miles from home and I’m completely freaked out by the fact that I’m in a car with this guy who is basically a stranger to me. Bloody hell.
    Due to the intense debate I was having amongst myself, I hadn’t realized we’d arrived at the movie theater. I had a very obvious disgruntled expression on my face because Benjamin had to gently shake my shoulder to bring me back to the present.
    “Eliza?” Benjamin shook my shoulder again, I finally snapped back to reality. “Eliza, are you okay?” His voice was slightly worried.
    I blinked a few times, slowly coming out of my daze. “Uh…yeah…sorry about that.”
    “We’re here. Shall we go?” He asked, eyeing me carefully.
    I nodded. “Sure.” He got out of the car to open my door for me, but I opened it before he could cross in front of the car.
    As I got out of the car, Benjamin strolled to my side, closing my door for me, a slight smile playing at the corners of his mouth. I smiled shyly at him, and it must have looked awkward because and trace of a smile on his face faded and he looked away. He walked ahead of me and opened the door to the theater for me.
    “Thanks.” I whispered as I walked in.
    “Anytime.” He said, walking ahead of me once again, stopping at the ticket booth.
    The girl behind the counter smiled. “Can I help you sir?”
    “Ah yes. I think we’ll have two for…” He looked at the movies playing for a moment. “That one right there.” He pointed to a movie I’d only heard terrible things about, and I was sure we’d be the only ones in the theater.
    I came up next to him and handed him a ten dollar bill for my ticket, but he ignored it and gave the girl behind the counter money for his and my tickets. He took both tickets, and handed one to me. As we walked into the theater with our movie playing I noticed the movie had already begun playing previews. We were going to be the only people at that showing. Wonderful.
    Benjamin walked down an aisle of seats right in the middle of the room, and sat down. I took the seat right beside him, and folded my arms, looking at the screen. Some advertisement for an action movie was playing, I think, I was only half paying attention. I still had the ten dollar bill in my hand, and without looking at him I dropped the bill into his lap and folded my arms once again.
    “What’s this for?” He asked.
    What the heck do you THINK it’s for? “It’s for my movie ticket.” I said looking at him with an incredulous expression on my face.
    “I asked you on the date. I shouldn’t force you to pay for your ticket if I took you out. So please, keep your money.” He said politely, handing my money back to me.
    Unwillingly, I took my money back and put it into my pocket. The lights dimmed, and the movie began. That’s when I realized the whole movie would be subtitled. This was going to be a long two hours. I glanced at Benjamin, who was looking at the screen, looking almost smug. He chose this movie on purpose because I said I didn’t care what we saw. I pursed my lips and looked back to the screen. I didn’t know what was going on, because even with subtitles, it was a bizarre movie; there was a girl in the woods, screaming in some language I didn’t understand - possibly German – and she looked like she was terrified of something. I closed my eyes, letting my mind wander, in hopes of the next two hours not being a complete waste of my time.
    “Oh come on, the movie isn’t that bad.” Benjamin’s voice was right next to my ear. I opened my eyes, turning to him, our eyes meeting.
    “I don’t know what they’re saying…” I said stubbornly, my arms were folded again.
    “You don’t know any French at all?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
    So the actors weren’t speaking German. It was French. “No…I can honestly say I don’t know any languages other than English.”
    He laughed softly, turning his attention back to the movie. Frowning, I turned back to watch the movie, letting a sigh escape loudly.
    “You know, if you’re going to sit there sighing the whole time without giving the movie a chance…it would probably be better to leave.” His voice was calm, and he didn’t look at me.
    For some odd reason, this angered me. “Fine.” I said through my clenched jaw. I stood up and turned to leave. Something stopped me, Benjamin’s hand grabbed mine; this time his hand was a bit warmer than it was back on campus. I froze for a second before yanking my hand out of his and stomping off, out of the theater.
    It hit me that he was my ride back, and I hadn’t the slightest idea where I even was. But I didn’t care, I couldn’t possibly suck up my pride and go back. I walked through the parking lot, heading towards the main road; perhaps hitch hiking wasn’t as bad as people made it out to be. Just as I was reaching the end of the parking lot, the familiar Mitsubishi slowed beside me, windows rolled down.
    “Eliza, where are you going?” Benjamin asked, a half smile on his face.
    I refused to look at him, I kept walking. “Home.”
    “Are you planning on walking there?”
    “Get in the car. It’s dark out.”
    “No. I’m going to walk.” I said in a very final tone.
    The car stopped, and Benjamin got out. He walked briskly to my side and grabbed my arm. “Please, Eliza, get in the car. I would feel much better if you didn’t walk alone.” He pleaded softly.
    “Benjamin…” I started to argue but he’d spun me around to face him. His ice blue eyes were staring into mine and I’d forgotten what I was about to say. “I…”
    “I’m sorry if I offended you back there. I truly am. Please, just get in the car.” He said, not loosening his grip on my arm when I tried to pull it away.
    I gave in and looked down. “Sorry…” I sniffed, letting him lead me back to his car. He opened the door for me and I got in. I felt the moisture of a few tears in my eyes, though there was really no reason for me to cry, I couldn’t seem to help myself.
    “Are you…crying?” Benjamin asked after he pulled out of the parking lot.
    Before I could answer, he took one of his hands off the wheel and had grabbed my hand, softly stroking it with his thumb. I didn’t try to pull it away, I felt so bad for having thrown a fit like that. It wasn’t like me to stomp off like that, I was raised to be polite. These thoughts upset me even more; I sniffed softly
    “Eliza…please don’t cry. I’m sorry I was so rude to you…I didn’t mean…” He began to apologize.
    “Don’t.” I cut him off, my voice trembling. “Don’t apologize, you shouldn’t have to.” I sniffled. “I was so rude…and I feel awful about it. I’ll understand if you don’t want to speak to me again after tonight.” I still didn’t look at him, even after I felt his hand tighten around mine.
    “Do you honestly think you offended me?”
    “Didn’t I?”
    To my surprise he laughed loudly. “Of course not! I thought I’d offended you so I came to say how sorry I was.”
    A quiet sob silenced his laughter, and I felt him pull the car over. He turned to me, taking my hand with both of his, which I assumed was an attempt to calm me down.
    “Eliza, please don’t cry. I refuse to move this car until you’ve calmed down.” He said softly.
    I finally looked at him, he was frowning slightly. “Benjamin, why did you take me out tonight?” I asked once I’d finally composed myself.
    As he let go of my hand, his expression was thoughtful. He ran his fingers through his tousled hair. “You know, if I told you…I’m positive you’d laugh at me.”
    “Try me.” I whispered, grabbing his hand.
    He glanced down at my hand and then back to my face. “I had a dream about you…a reoccurring one.”
    “…What?” I laughed.
    “See? I told you…” He said, embarrassed.
    “No! Please! Tell me more!” I was actually interested by this point.
    He sighed. “Well…it started about a year ago. One night I had this dream where I was completely alone in absolute nothingness. Just black. I thought I was dead. But I was breathing and realized I couldn’t possibly have died. I called out, with no reply, and I knew I was utterly alone. The dream seemed to last years…just as I was about to completely lose my mind, a figure appeared several feet from me.” He paused, closing his eyes, remembering. “As the figure approached, I realized it was a young woman. She smiled at me, her eyes burning gold behind dark makeup...and I then I wasn’t alone.” He opened his eyes and looked at me.
    “That girl…” I started.
    “You. You were the girl in my dream.” He interjected. “Every detail is exact…when I saw you in your dorm room…I knew I’d found the girl I’d been having this dream about.”
    “I guess I’m not as good as the girl in the dream.” I quipped.
    “Better. You don’t disappear when I open my eyes…” He admitted softly.
    I couldn’t help blushing. “Disappearing isn’t one of my many talents. Haven’t quite mastered it yet.” I said quickly, trying to lighten the atmosphere.
    We sat there quietly for a long time, neither one knowing what to say. I didn’t know exactly how long it was before Benjamin spoke again, it must’ve been a decent amount of time because I had begun to zone out from exhaustion.
    “I should get you back…it’s getting late.” He said, starting the car again. My hand was still grasping his, so he drove with only one hand on the wheel.
    When we got back to campus he parked the car and I released his hand so he could take the keys out of the ignition. As I went to open my door he finally spoke again.
    “Do you feel it?” He asked.
    I was confused. “Pardon?”
    “Never mind.” He opened his car door and got out, crossing behind his car to my door, and opened it.
    “Thanks.” I said, still a bit confused. I got out of the car, and he closed the door behind me. I started walking back to my dorm building, I felt him walking beside me, I pondered to myself what he meant when he asked me if I felt it. Felt what?
    When we’d reached my dorm building, he opened the front door for me. We both walked towards the elevator and stood waiting after the up button was pushed. When the door opened I walked in, Benjamin followed. He pushed my floor number for me, and I was waiting for him to push his floor number, but he never did. When the doors opened he followed me out and stood quietly next to me as I opened the door to my room.
    “So…” I said awkwardly once my door was open.
    “Thank you for allowing me to take you out tonight.” He said smiling slightly. “Have a good night…Eliza.” His smile broadened at my name.
    “Good night Benjamin, thank you.” I touched his hand softly and he looked down at it.
    He nodded and turned to walk away, but I grabbed his hand. “Wait.”
    “Tell me what you meant when you asked if I felt it. Felt what?” It was going to drive me insane if I didn’t figure out what he was talking about.
    “Another time. It’s late. Go to bed. You’ll want to be rested for classes tomorrow.” Without another word he left, hardly giving me time to argue.
    I frowned and closed the door softly. The time on my clock distracted me, it was nearly two in the morning. I had to get to bed, there would be no excuse I could possibly give that would make missing class on the first day excusable. After I put a pair of sweatpants and a tank top on, I flipped my light off and climbed into bed. Staring at my ceiling, I began thinking about everything that had just happened. Who was this Benjamin? Why did he come into my life so unexpectedly? And most of all what did he feel that I didn’t? I pondered all these things as I slowly drifted off to sleep.