• You see, the world is a sphere. A sphere is a three-dimensional closed surface such that every point on the surface is equidistant from the center. Now, this isn't a perfect sphere because God got lazy and left the mountains and rivers and tall people on the world so it isn't a perfect sphere but still close enough that one could tall it a sphere, and while not being technically correct, would still not be laughed at in a class room unless I was there. I'd laugh at you.

    This world is called Earth. They picked the name Earth after Mr. Earth, a 4th century rapper who lived on the moon. His house was made out of cardboard and he would often go around pooping in people peanut butter, claiming it was an accident. He finally met his ends at the hand of the Marshmallow Man after pooping in his peanut butter. The Marshmallow man used his powerful and sexy mechanical body, powered with the magical force of love, to tear Mr. Earth a new a**. Mr. Earth died shortly after due to severe bleeding.

    Little did the Marshmallow man know Mr. Earth was the second cousin of a pimp. Now, I am not talking about the occupational pimps, rather the bloodline pimps. A supernaturally powerful race of humanoids who, when banded together could possibly destroy the entire world, and look damn fine in the process.

    After the Marshmallow man finds out about Mr. Earths relation he quickly covers up the death by planting evidence that the government was responsible for his killing. Thus started the Pimp War of 1994. There are few record of how exactly the war went about, as there were only enough survivors left afterwords to repopulate.

    What is known is that while the World's armies did stop the pimps, both sides were totally obliterated in the fight, along with most of Earth's (the planet, not the rapper who poops in people's peanut butter) major cities were completely demolished and uninhabitable after the pimps went through. In total, there were believed to be around forty-two pimps, testifying to their power.

    After the Great Pimp War of 1994 society began to rise again and everyone pretty much forgot about it, except the government. They began to research the "God Gene", the Gene that made the pimps so powerful. The injected this gene into random babies at specially selected hospitals to see what could come out of it. From this brought yet-to-be-introduced the Peanut God, Invincible-Man, and Garry the Genius. however, most babies injected simply died from too much raw power.

    After a few years, due to the exhilarated growth from the God Gene, all of the test subjects were either adults or in their late teens. The Peanut God was, by far, the most powerful, though totally insane. His sanity was lost partly die to his heart stopping several times as a infant, resulting in minor brain damage and partly due to being so rejected as a child due to his abilities. Peanut God, as you could guess, has an awkward and obsessive obsession with Peanuts and is often heard simple yelling "Peanuts, Peanuts, Peanuts..." for hours on end. Somehow he has managed to run a small gang of followers. However, due to his attention span being around ten minutes his gang activities are rarely successful.

    Invincible-Man was another one of these test subjects, like Peanut-God he also went totally insane. He had a totally different reaction to the God Gene than did most of the other test subjects, rather than just getting raw power like most of the others who survived for any length of time his powers manifested into a specific ability. He is completely invincible with only one weakness, bullet wounds. His watchers and researchers believe this may have been a subconscious manifestation of the power and he still does have the ability to use the power "raw" like all the others due, he simply doesn't realize is. Manifesting his power in such a way where he has no control over his may have been the only way to cope with it. With a simple number-to-number measurement of God Gene, Invincible-Man actually has more than the Peanut God, even though the Peanut God is far more powerful. Invincible-Man believes himself to be a superhero and dresses accordingly. He has a small band of friends who spend most of their time trying to stop him from getting himself killed due to his over confidence in his power and underlying weakness of Bullet Wounds.

    Garry the Genius Kid was given far less of the God Gene than Peanut God and Invincible-Man. Due to this is exhilarated growth was slower, putting him roughly in his mid-teens and age three. While he never manifested any kind of power, he managed to get into all of the top colleges without having a high school diploma, but shortly dropped out due to all of the classes being too boring. In a matter of a six months after dropping out of college he build up a cooperation, becoming one of the top in the city. However, becoming too bored with that as well, he decided to try to build up a gang. After all, maybe those gods could give him a challenge.

    The city all of these people live in is called Zachistan City. Zachistan City isn't a normal city, it exists in an ever expanding self enclosed time-space the entrance of which in somewhere in Manhattan. The entrance, easier to mentalize as a kind of portal, is the left turn down a dirt road in an abandoned factory. Once you pass through the "portal" (it is not a portal rather the entire time-space of Zachistan City exists in a two denominational fragmentation of space turning down the street), though you wouldn't know you passed through it as the transition is seamless, there is no exit as the time-space spans outwards infinitely.

    Now, Zachsitan has been there for an unknown amount of time and enough people have gotten stuck in it to bread and create a large enough population to where most of the people have forgotten about the "outside" world and are only reminded when a lost driver asks for direction, thinking he is still in Manhattan. The only direction you can give him are to the random ones that wont lead him anywhere, simply because it is fun to screw with people.

    And that is all for day one. I hope you learned something, come back Wednesday and we will continue the lecture then. Your homework is to not go down the left turn in that abandoned factory's dirt road.