• Maggie didn't dare move. As she looked around at the reddened world, she wanted to scream. No sound left her mouth. After the sixty foot fall, any bone could be broken, not to mention the obvious gash in the back of her head. Her father and his team were gone. They had left her. As far as anyone was concerned, she was dead.
    She calculated it had been about forty-five minutes since the rope broke from the color of all the blood she could see without moving. All the survival training had paid off. Whether she liked it or not, if she didn't get somewhere, she was going to die. She took a deep breath and preceded to lift her head. The scream finally left her mouth. It split through the previous silence, but it was only a matter of time before the pain numbed.
    As she began to lift her arms, she found a broken bone. The amount of pain in her finger was unbelievable. Finger. She was on a ledge one hundred and twenty feet from the ground and she had to climb... with a broken finger.
    As she hoisted herself up with her good hand, screaming at the sky, the world spun. It swirled around her, laughed at her. Once she was up, she clung tightly to the frozen cliff. She lifted one hand slowly and swept it across the back of her head. The blood was fresh; It was still bleeding.
    "I bet you t-t-tried to turn ba-ack, tried to jump after me. But they held you back Daddy. D-idn't they? I let go because I had to. I-it was you or me," she stuttered. She pretended he could hear her, forgive her.
    After ten minutes of rocky breathing and painful bleeding, Maggie grabbed a hold. She had to climb. She had to live. The rock was cold beneath her bloody fingers. She felt her pulse in every organ. It was time to keep moving.