• "Why didn't we listen to her?" Lady weeped.
    "Why didn't anyone get her help? Her friends knew, for God's sake M.J. knew!!

    Silence filled the living room. Even the Wild Kingdom was calm and serene for once. The seconds ticked by, tick, tick, tick. The minutes dragged on. Then the Hobo spoke in a shaky voice, "I remember a few weeks ago, before she killed herself, Ms. Attica wanted to go the doctor in W.B. I told it'd coast too much money to go there and that the doctor she was seeing is cheaper and cares about her."

    "And I told her it'd be too much money to put her in a hospitol for a few days or weeks. We killed her. She reached out for help and no one came, the placebo effect didn't help her this time. This time was different, she was suicidal, not just trying to get attention or...we could've helped her. Why didn't we?!" Lady screamed.

    Auggie walked into the room like a zombie. "Her screen name on the computer was Ms. Attica, she said she wanted to change it to "A Little Ray of Sunshine" Attica is a prison in New York. A Little Ray if Sunshine was her favorite book, she loved the sunshine..." His voice trailed off as he walked into the other room, hiding his tears. Auggie would never see his sister again.

    Ms. Attica had been planning her death for months. At first she was thinking alchole poisening. Then cold medicine, but that didn't work, only made her sleep through the night uninterupted. Then the idea of sleeping pills got into her head. Yes, that would do it, in fact sleeping pills was her last meal.
    Wherever Ms. Attica is, I hope she finds happiness there...