• Chapter one

    It was the end of summer, and the sun was beginning to set leasving the sky a warm soft orange. Michelle Thomas was walking down the street with a couple of her friends. It was the last weekend they had together before school starts.
    “Did you call Robert to let him know we’re coming?” asked her blond friend, Christina.
    “Nah, she wanted to surprise him!” said her Mexican friend Melissa.
    “Cut it out” said Michelle shyly.
    “Is she blushing?” asked Melissa.
    “Yup, you know how much she LOVES Robert!” replied Christina, playfully. Michelle did nothing, but hid her face with her hands.
    “Grr! Stop it!”
    “You know, I really like Michelle’s hair in the sunlight”
    “I know, it’s a pretty brown, I wish I had your hair!”
    “You’re blond! You can get any guy you want!”
    “Te he, I know”
    “Slut!” Christina gave a gasp of disbelief and quickly smacked Melissa on the arm.
    “No! You’re the ho!” Michelle just sighed, and started laughing at her friends play fighting. She felt really lucky to have them, and even more lucky to go see Robert. They’ve been going out all summer, but Robert was moving tomorrow, which was why Michelle was so nervous that day.
    “Oh my god…” Christina suddenly said.
    “Wow, that’s so blond of you…” Melissa replied, but then she stopped walking. Michelle looked up, and her whole body froze in place. Robert’s house was at the end of the block, and on the front porch was Robert making out with another girl. And not just any other girl, although her hair straight black hair covered the side of her face, Michelle knew that is was Lemon. Lemon always ended up seducing any guy Michelle had a crush on. That’s why she felt so special towards Robert, he seemed like he could be trusted with anything. But look at him, not making out with any girl, but Lemon! Her friends called her “The Geisha”, since she was always with a different guy at the end of the week.
    Michelle?” Melissa grabbed her hand gently. Christina angrily stomped towards them, yelling Robert’s name vehemently, but Michelle couldn’t hear anything. Her head was bowed down, and Melissa called out her name again. Robert and Christina were yelling at each other, Lemon acting innocent as if she didn’t know Robert is going out with Michelle.
    “Michelle, say something.” A single tear strolled down her cheek slowly, and dripped off her chin. She saw the salty tear fall and splash on the sidewalk. Robert was coming up to her while Christina and Lemon were cussing each other out.
    “Michelle?” Robert said with guilt. Michelle looked up, and saw his bright blue eye, his brown hair slightly covering them.
    “I’m sorry” Then, with swift speed, Michelle smacked him. Then again, and again.
    “’I’m sorry’? That’s all you have to say?!” Michelle then smacked him a last time.
    “We’re through, don’t you dare ever speak to me again!” then she turned around and started walking away. Christina hurried up towards her and Melissa as they walked back home. The sun then completed it’s set, and the night sky took over

    Comment if you want next chapter posted!