• ...No.
    No. No. Nononononono.
    You can't do this to me. Not now. Not after all the time I've spent trying to...
    Please. Tell me. What... what did I do wrong? What did I do to make you... so...
    Was it me?
    Please... don't... please don't just stare at me like that. Say something. I don't know what you're thinking. I never know what you're thinking.
    That's the problem, isn't it?
    I mean, even after all I've done for you, I've never once... I've never once heard you say "thank you."
    No. It wasn't me. It was most certainly not me.
    It was you. All you. You, you, you, you.
    I spent time with you. I spent money on you. I have worked my fingers to the bone. And then, and then I worked my finger bones to... um...
    The point is, you have never acknowledged me. Not once.
    And now, right now, of all the possible "nows" in all of eternity, you... you...
    I'm gonna throw you out the window.
    No. I'm not kidding.
    I'm gonna throw you out the window.
    I'm gonna throw you out the window and watch you fall and explode on the pavement. And I'm gonna laugh. I'm gonna laugh and laugh and laugh.
    ...Say something. Come on. You've gotta say something to that.
    No? You've got nothing to say? Totally speechless? No last words or anything?
    ...Well, then, suit yourself.

    And with that, the blue screen of death flickered to black as she yanked the cord out of the outlet and tossed her computer out of her dorm window. It exploded rather nicely on the concrete after a few seconds of free fall. She stood at the open window, feeling the sting of the cold early morning wind on her face, still panting heavily and still minus one term paper, but she felt strangely satisfied.