• “Nightsong my feet hurt”, said Roan” can we stop.” They had been on patrol all night. Roan stretched out his long wings and yawned. “Roan you are a wolf“, said Nightsong “you should get use to this because you will do this a lot now that your mother Eclipse is leader of the pack.” Nightwing chuckled,” yeah old Roan get used to it.” Nightwing growled at them, “shut up you idiots someone’s coming.” Suddenly Whitepaw walked out of the bushes. “Hello Nightsong, Roan, Nightwing how’s the patrol“, he asked . “if these two would be quite we would probley be able to bring back some food too”, said Nightsong. “Now Nightsong you are expecting pups so be careful ok”, demanded Whitepaw. “ok I will”, she growled with dismay. “ See you all at the cave, be back by dawn though Darkside’s pups are becoming apprentices’ and one will become yours Nightwing”, said Whitepaw cheerfully. Nightwing smiled as Whitepaw stalked off. “Come on lets hurry so we can get back”, she exclaimed. As soon as they got back the ceremony was about to begin. “We are all here to witness these pups become apprentices’. We have all taken care of them as they were pups and now we are here to witness them grow older “, Eclipses voice rang through the cave, “Ghost pup you come first .”,the pup shyly got up and walked over to the high ledge,” Roan you will be Ghostpups mentor but for now he needs a name so from now on Ghost pup will Ghosttail. You may now unite.”, Roan walked up and touched Ghosttails nose.