• Our never ending game

    Chapter 1

    I lift my head to the wind and let it carry your scent to me.  I breath in deeply, inhaling it as if it were my last breath on this plane.  I open my eyes, and find the night sky clear of clouds, the stars dancing in the night as if to some strange melody.  I lower my head to look into the forest that surrounds me.  There is no moon tonight, and all is covered in the thick blanket of the shadows.  But I do not mind.  This is my realm, my home.  In this place, I am at my best.  I close my eyes once again and focus on the sounds of the night.  The crickets are especially loud tonight, their chorus growing to an almost fevered pitch.  The winds blow softly, rustling the limbs of the trees.  And yet I drown these sounds out, seeking one in particular.  And after a moment it comes.  It starts out low, but soon grows so that it remains the only thing I hear. Your soft voice, sweet and gentle, like that of a rose, and flowing like the waves on the sea.  I let a breath out slowly, losing myself a moment in your song.  Then, breathing in sharply and snapping my eyes open I bound into the forest.  The world around me becomes a blur as a run.  The gentle breeze rush against my face, and the limbs of the trees seem to reach down as if to stop me, but I do not slow my pace.  Your song begins to grow in pitch as I near, and your scent fills my head, causing it to haze and lose focus for a moment before snapping back.  I don't close my eyes, or turn to look around until I reach the clearing.  Its beauty is arresting and I slow down to gaze upon it for a moment.  Glowing moss clings to the trees, giving off a soft light that baths the sanctuary.  A spring runs near-by, its crescent blue water sparkling like the stars above it.  The breeze no longer blows in this place, and all is still and silent.  And you are not here.  I walk slowly to the spring and kneeled down by beside it.  Your scent covers this place, and it drives me near the break of my sanity, but I regain my sense, and look to the ground below.  Impressions where you had knelt are still fresh in the soft ground.  I stand once more and gaze into the forest again.  My eyes percied through the shadows, seeing the area as if through clear glass.  My ears c**k to the wind, listening once again for your voice.  All is still and all is quiet. 
    Then, out of the corner of my peripheral vision, I see a shadow move gracefully through the trees.  I whirl and bound to where the shadow had been.  The forest engulfs me once again, and the world once more becomes a blur.  Your scent again fills my nostrils and your soft laughter fills my ears.  And despite the sweat that pours down my brow, despite the stabbing pain in my chest, the pounding of my heart, I find myself smiling, grinning foolishly, caught up in the thrill of the chase.  Through the trees you weave and turn, your footsteps a mere whisper in the wind.  I charge as fast as my legs can possibly carry me, and still you remain in the lead.  The forest is disappearing from my sight, my mind and all its attention focusing solely on you. Slowly I begin to catch up, ever so slowly do I begin to gain ground behind you. Though you don't seem to be losing your stride, I am painstakingly catching up.
      Eventually, you form begins to lose the darkness that enshourds it. A black gown, like an onyx river flows ghostly in your wake. Your moon pale skin shines like ivory in the dark night. Hair as black and flowing as your dress dances and shines in the twilight air. Your face is all thats resides in shadows, but I need not see it to envision your beauty.
    Your scent pulls me , your laughter is the only thing I can hear, the sight of your pale skin makes the blood pulsing through me viens boil.  And in the shadows, I see you turn your head ever slowly slightly back, and in the moonlight, I see a smile, full of mischief, of demonic delight, and passionless promise. It stabs a stake of pure longing through my already aching heart.
    .  I began to reach, to catch you and hold you, to claim you as mine...and in the blanket of the dark night, a thunderous clamp could be heard, and a searing pain ran through my skull. Before I hit the ground, before unconscious over took me, your fading footsteps echoed like thunder in my mind.