Lorien sat on her bed after a long day. She felt empty. She felt that she’d forgotten so much and she didn’t know what she was missing out on. She wept as she sat on the edge of her bed.
“Your Highness, I’ll be off now. I’ll see you in the morning,” Mrs. Coldwell said as she was opened the door slightly, poking her head in quietly. Princess Lorien quickly wiped away the tears. She looked up and smiled at the little old lady. Mrs. Coldwell stepped into the room and sighed. She went to sit next to Lorien on the edge of her bed and held the troubled girl in her arms. Lorien started sobbing again, burying her face in her hands.
“My dear, my sweet little Princess, you burden yourself too much,” Mrs. Coldwell said kindly. Lorien looked up.
“I feel like I’ve forgotten everything. I went into the Crystal Garden and I knew it was special to me somehow but I don’t remember how. Then I saw the Captain and I felt such a strong force towards him but I didn’t know why,” Lorien got up off the bed and walked to her wardrobe. She pulled out the red dress and showed Mrs. Coldwell. “And this dress, it feels so important to me but I don’t know why,” Lorien dropped the dress and started sobbing again. Mrs. Coldwell sighed and picked up the dress off the floor and put it back in the wardrobe. She held the weeping princess in her arms and pulled her back to the edge of the bed and they sat together.
“I thought there was something strange with you,” Mrs. Coldwell said, looking into Lorien’s eyes. “Listen, the Captain, he’s…” Mrs. Coldwell was going to explain everything to Lorien but she was interrupted by a knock at the door. The old lady sighed and Lorien quickly wiped away the tears rolling down her face. Mrs. Coldwell went to open the door.
“Oh, Your Highness,” Mrs. Coldwell said and bowed. Prince Samuel stood in the doorway with a smile. He nodded his head once in greeting to the old woman and let himself in.
Lorien jumped up off her bed when she saw Samuel and held him in her arms. He hugged her back tightly and he nodded to the old lady at the door. Mrs. Coldwell understood and she left, closing the door behind her.
“Come my dear, tell me what’s wrong,” Samuel said and they sat at the edge of Lorien’s bed. She sobbed as she explained everything and Samuel looked at the ground, glaring. He thought that Dmitri had completely erased Lorien’s memory but he was wrong.
When Lorien had finally finished explaining, Samuel looked up at her and smiled. He put his hand on her cheek and wiped away the tears. He stared intently into her eyes and chuckled quietly.
“You’re probably just tired my dear. Don’t make such a big deal over this Lorien, I’m sure it’s nothing,” Samuel said and he smiled at her. She smiled back slightly. Samuel then held her face in both his hands and kissed her gently.
Lorien didn’t pull away. Instead, she wrapped her hands around his neck and held him closer. His kiss became more intense and his lips pushed harder onto hers. Eventually, they fell back onto the bed and Samuel started moving his lips onto her neck. He slowly unzipped her nightgown and Lorien slowly removed everything that covered Samuel’s body. He chuckled.
“Getting a bit excited there Lorien,” he whispered and they both laughed quietly. Samuel kissed Lorien with passion and their tongues flicked together. He moved his lips onto her throat again and Lorien moaned with pleasure.
As she whispered his name, he was slowly getting more aggressive and more excited. He pushed harder and Lorien moaned his name again. She tightened her grip on his body and their lips pushed together again. Their tongues were pushing and brushing themselves together. Samuel slowly started moving his lips and tongue downwards and Lorien laid on her bed moaning as he got lower.
Samuel chuckled then started moving up again until he could feel her lips on his. He held her tighter as he pushed into her more aggressively. Lorien almost yelled his name but held herself back.
An image suddenly flashed into her mind and she saw the Captain. Through the rest of the night, as good as it felt, she couldn’t help but think wrongly of it. She felt that it wasn’t right but at the same time, she didn’t want Samuel to stop. When he finally did though, she fell asleep and the only person that was in her dreams was the Captain.

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