• Blood Rose
    Written By: xX-PrincessShina-Xx

    "Autmn has arrived too soon hasn't it Mitsu?" Miyu asked. "I guess it is." She

    replied. "Mitsuki!" Someone called. Mitsuki noticed it was her childhood friend, Shizumii

    Yamato. "It's been a while old friend." Shizumii said smiling in happiness. Shizumii is the

    type of outgoing girl. Her secret is, that she is Mitsuki's sister. She is completely a rival

    from her because of Mitsuki's beauty in goodness. When Mitsuki has someone she has

    her heart after, Shizumii will do her best to snatch him away. Jealousy is also why they're

    rivals."Let's go get a snack or something.. I'm starving." Shizumii tugged on Mitsuki's

    jacket, but she wouldn't budge. "What's wrong?" Shizumii wondered. "I'm waiting for

    someone." She replied. "I'm thinking it could be your crush." Shizumii said. "There he is.

    He has to watch over me when my brother is not here. Which is I believe all the time."

    Mitsuki said. "Oh my..GOSH! He is so good looking! I really need to meet him." Shizumii

    excitedly said. "Oh boy.. This is going to be a long, annoying, day.." Mitsuki said. Then she

    walked back to class with Miyu. Chiaro followed silently. "He's such a quiet fellow." Miyu

    whispered. "I guess that's the way he is.." Shizumii grinned evily, thinking of a plan.

    Shizumii noticed Mitsuki blushing a bit when Chiaro arrived. Miyu slowly turned her head,

    looking at her brother. Riyu wanted Miyu to tell Mitsu he apolligized for bitting her. Miyu

    nodded, and nudged her shoulder. "My brother apolligizes for suddenly bitting you." Miyu

    whispered into Mitsuki's ear. She accepted his apolgy, and continued to look forward. She

    noticed Esuke was walking next to her. He smiled slightly at Mitsuki. *What do I do?*

    Mitsuki thought quickly. She just smiled back. Esuke smirked. "Heh. That was cute." He

    patted her head, and she smiled a little more. Chiaro looked at them blankly, but his

    thoughts were different. *This is not good.. Soon or later, Esuke's going to make Mitsuki

    his bride.* He shook the thought out. *She's not like that.. Mitsuki is never evil..* Chiaro

    thought again. They continued to walk as a group silently. Shizumii held Chiaro's hand, and

    looked up at him. "You don't mind do you?" She asked softly." Chiaro slipped his arm out

    of her grasp and said. "I have no interest in you." Shizumii innocently looked sad, and

    walked quickly to class. She thought, *No matter what Mitsuki, he's all mine. I'll make sure

    of it.*
    After class, it's time to have lunch. Mitsuki wanted to find the others, but she

    shrugged and shuffled outside. She and Chiaro sat under a huge tree, having such a

    peaceful lunch. Until a bird moved, which made a branch hit Mitsuki's head. Unfortunately,

    she had a plastic toothpick. She scratched herself with the pick when she winced. "Ow.. I'm

    getting hurt today." Mitsuki said. Chiaro looked over at Mitsuki's cut. "Your bleeding." He

    crawled a little over to Mitsuki, and lifted her face. "Let me clean that." He licked her cheek

    with his warm tounge. Mitsuki blushed a little. *Now I understand what he hid from me.* She

    thought. *He's a vampire. What type though? Well.. It doesn't matter now..* When he was

    finished, he said. "Now you know what I really am. I'm sorry for hiding something like this.."

    Mitsuki looked up at him. "It's alright. You didn't feel like telling me your secret. You don't

    have to tell me anything at all." He slightly smiled, helping Mitsuki up. "I think we should

    head back to class." Chiaro said. "Yeah we should." Mitsuki agreed. They quickly

    transfered classes. "Where were you guys?!" Shizumii asked. "Calm down Shizumii. Your

    going to have a bad reputation." Mitsuki said. "I was trying to search for you, Miyu, Riyu,

    and Esuke. But you looked like you all disappeared." Shizumii shrugged. "Ah well.. We still

    have to exchange classes. So we'd better hurry. See you later." She said. *Well she could

    have not found me anyway. It was soo obvious that she could have seen me taking notes

    about her.* Shizumii shook her head in disapointment. "I guess she's not that smart." She

    said outloud. "Yeah. What a loser." Her friends said. Shizumii's friends chit-chatted for a

    while, until they heard the doors lock. They jumped, and noticed that classes has already


    MINARI!!!!" "Well you could have been much more responsible to know when our sessions

    begin. Detention is served tomorrow girls." Mrs. Minari said, giggling a bit. "Shall we begin

    After class, It was the night class's turn to be taught. All the girls screamed in

    excitement at the night class boys except for Mitsuki and Miyu. In fact, the two

    sweatdropped. "Man.. There total retards.." Miyu said. "Yeah.. Your right.." Mitsuki said.

    "OH MY GOSH!!!! I LOVE EM ALL!!!" Shizumii hallowred waving her hands. Then a group of

    girls walked over to Mitsuki. The leader said, "We are the fan girls of Chiaro Sasori. If you

    dare come near him, we'll come jump on you. You better beware." Then they walked off

    smiling. "I'll be right back." Shizumii said smirking as she ran. She dashed to the Chiaro fan

    group. "Hey guys, are you really gonna do that for me? If she touches my precious

    Chiaro?" Shizumii asked. The girls looked at her. Then one another. "Sure. We're friends

    right?" They all said dishonestly. "Thanks guys!" Shizumii said walking back to Mitsuki.

    The group glared at her behind her back. "We are soo not sharing Chiaro with her." One of

    the group members said. "Espeacially with Mitsuki since she hangs around him everyday."

    They smiled evily. "Maybe we should beat her up tomorrow." The leader said. "Yeah

    totally!" They all agreed, and wrote the time and day on a schedual book. They were very

    anxious to get their hands on her.

    That night, Mitsuki cooked up a little nice dinner with rice, and terriyaki chiken.

    She also added sushi, soysauce, and tea. Chiaro rambbled to the kitchen for a juice box.

    He relized how loadful the dishes were, Mitsu almost dropped them. Chiaro swiftly

    supported her and said, "Be careful now. We don't want to over work yourself for making

    dinner again." He took the plates, brushing his hair against her cheek. He disappeared

    from the area, cautiously handling supper. *He's so kind, and cautious with me. I don't

    understand why he's doing such sweet things. All he had to do was protect me from

    demons and other sorts of creatures.* Mitsu thought as she strolled over to the table.

    As soon as Shizumii, Miyu, Riyu, Esuke, Chiaro and Mitsuki were finished, they

    settled for a good night's rest. Mitsu hopped into the steaming hotspring for a refreashing

    night. "Quite night with a beautiful moon." Mitsu said to herself. "I agree with you.." A

    sudden voice starttling her. She looked behind. "Who.. GAH! What are you doing here?!"

    She asked aloud. "What? I'm enjoying my spring." Esuke said. "I noticed you are stalking

    me.." Mitsu said. "You kind of follow me everywhere." Esuke sighed, and swam over to

    Mitsu. "That's because I have feelings for you. I don't want anyone to touch you. Because

    one day, you'll come to me. Your so precious to me. Your everything in my life." Esuke said

    holding her gently in his muscular arms. "I believe it's bcoming late. I must go." Mitsuki

    said leaving the gentle touch and her head relaxing on his chest. Without needing to know,

    Esuke turned around, letting Mitsuki dry herself off. "Have a good night Esuke onii chan.

    To me, you feel like my brother." She said. "Forever in my heart.." Esuke spoke. "You'll

    always be my loved one. I'll be the one for you." He dried off. Quickly getting dressed. He

    embraced Mitsuki from behind, and left the spring.
    Chapter #4 is coming soon!! ^^