• The garden was dark, illumined only by the waxing moon above us. Its soft light played across the shady trees and bushes. The calla lilies were in bloom; their white flowers were radiant.

    We sat on the garden’s old stone bench, enjoying the fair weather. My fingers slowly traced its carved surface, and eventually found their way to his hand. I gave it a soft squeeze, and he returned it.

    A cool summer breeze blew, dancing in moonlit strands of his hair. He threw a glance at me, and smiled.

    His skin was so pale. Alabaster. Much like a lily, I thought, regarding how they both glowed in the light. I could hear the faint sound of wind chimes somewhere in the distance, and I knew we were the only ones awake to hear their music.

    “I love the summer,” he said. “Nights like these…”

    He didn’t finish his thought—and didn’t need to. Instead, he sighed contentedly. We both gazed up at the night sky. An almost-full moon was surrounded by a myriad of diamond stars, all inlaid on a backdrop of rich black velvet. A few of the faintest clouds remained from yesterday’s storm.

    I draped an arm across his shoulders, and drew him closer to me. “It is indeed lovely,” I murmured, “but you are still the loveliest sight.”
    He chuckled, and rested his head in the soft place between my neck and shoulder. “You really are blind, aren’t you,” he joked. I kissed one of his ears. “Mm. You sell yourself short, my sweet child.”
    He looked up at me, his jasper eyes glittering with amusement. “Child,” he scoffed. “I’m only five years younger than you!”
    “It’s half a decade.”
    “Still. There has to be a better thing to call me.”

    I thought a moment, and said, “Lily.”

    He raised a brow quizzically. “Excuse me?”
    “You will be my lily.”
    “Why is that?”
    “Because,” I muttered quietly, “you are pale and beautiful, and fragile… You are like a lily.”

    Fragrant, sweet, luminescent. I could have said much more. He gave a hmph, and snuggled up to me. “Whatever makes you happy.”
    I wrapped both arms around him. “You make me happy,” I replied.
    We shared a kiss. His lips were smooth and soft, like flower petals. “I love you,” he said. “And I love you,” I replied.

    More than you will ever know.