• A susurration of wind fell across the speckled depth, twirling through the trees and their fall leaves, sweeping up the drowsiness of night and scattering the life of morning. The new air felt fresh, like a young spring after an abysmal snow. The souls this air fed woke to a bright dawn, smiling for naught and carefree for it.

    Jennifer adored the daybreak, the instance of birdsong and dew. The sun slanted in through her window and the night wilted, that debilitation of slumber diminishing away to nothing. The hours that lay ahead were waiting to be made into memories, to be inscribed into the mind for eternity.
    Lithely, Jennifer slid out of her bed, opening her window and exposing her room to the burning gold of sunlight. While dressing, the young teen trilled a short gay tune to herself, one she heard a million times over and had never caught in her mind. When she was finished preparing for the day, Jennifer paused in her routine a moment to gaze out her window for the third time that morning. Subconsciously, she sat herself upon her window seat, folding her legs beneath her.
    She admired the horizon until habit drew her gaze to an item next to her, sitting on the vanity for a reason. Jennifer reached across to pick up the picture frame from its perch, bringing it towards her self. This single photo was possibly her most cherished possession, for it portrayed those who were her most cherished people.
    Inside of the frame adorned with leaves and twisting vines, a group of friends and lovers were forever fixed in one moment, either smiling or subdued, but undoubtedly enjoying this instant. Jennifer smiled at the photo of herself and her friends, memorizing all details for the thousandth time.

    Perhaps the first person she memorized was the one farthest left, an older boy with dusky hair that fluttered across his face and curled around his eyes. Her attentions stopped at his eyes, his eyes that were like polished waters, reflecting blue of all shades and a crisp cheeriness. This boy, Derek, smiled the greatest out of all of them, and his arm encircled Jennifer, whose cinnamon hair was entwined between his fingers.
    On the other side of Jennifer was her best friend Rebecca, a girl with fiery red hair and chic blonde highlights, who had a more somber yet superior look on her face. Her eyes shone like polished jade, and they were sharp, cutting into your soul, baring your secrets to the world. She was stylish and analytical, one who could see through you like glass while donning a smirk on her carved face.
    The final occupant of the picture was the one whom directed Rebecca’s attentions, a darkly handsome man whose fair hair was fringing his impersonal eyes, which held a shadowy green depth in them. Alexander was the oldest, the most solemn of them all, and elder brother to Derek. It was as if he deemed it too difficult and troublesome to smile, therefore he kept his soul to himself, and the only other he would open to would forever be Rebecca and Rebecca alone.

    As Jennifer looked upon the picture, she noticed again how different they all were and how perfect they all fit together. There were conflicts within the group, which one could notice, what with the brothers sitting the farthest from each other, as if the two had fallen apart from each other and had no wish to ever be akin again.