• tab Slowly, I raised my head, looking towards the painted-on sky. Dabs of white paint, smeared thinly on, floated past; an ever changing image. Behind me, I can hear a shadow grinding its teeth, whispering the truths I don't want to hear; the fetid stench of its breath crawling on my skin with its bug legs. I want to turn, to denounce the beast, but I know I can't- it is too much for me, too much by far. So, I stand there, listening as it tears me to ribbons with its razored tongue, cursing my weaknesses, laughing at my strengths. And as I realize how true its words are, I feel it growing more substantial behind me.
    tab Fast as I can, I begin to run, hoping to escape its crucifying gaze. As far as my legs take me, I can still hear it laughing, mocking me with its devilish cackling. Further now, than ever before, I retreat behind false cures, I hide behind other people, but it still sees me, its eyes so deep, so transfixed, so inescapable. I curse it, I shout and I scream, fire fills me, and for a moment, the shadow is balked by the flame. Too soon though, does it realize that the flames will not harm it, and so becomes immune again.
    tab Tears flow freely from my eyes, as its forsaken wings spread, and it lands nearby, once again taking its position behind me. Whimpering, crying, I curl up beneath it, little more than its shadow. This thing, it has been following me my whole life, as it has followed others. This demon, inside, it is the single greatest adversary I have ever known. This thing, this demonic shade, it has beaten me. No longer able to stand, I crawl, brought to my knees by the crippling shadow. Down here, I see others, people like me, also unable to escape the monsters within them. They scream for help, as I do, but none ever works; only one is different, one single person.
    tab She does not grab at those who pass by, nor does she cry for help. Sitting, thinking, she gathers her strength, occasionally letting someone comfort her. Finally, she sets her hands on the ground, and brings a foot up. Soon, a second foot follows, and she is standing, albeit in a crouched position. After struggling, she finally stands tall, a lone tower amongst a field of fallen monuments. I watch, eyes wide with wonder, as she turns, and faces her shadow. It seems so great, so much more than mine, and yet still she turns to face it. Though her face is pale, and her body shakes, she ignores its whispered hate, and brings her arm up. Reaching out, she pushes her hand forwards, into the unseen mass.
    tab Only a few of us see the struggle taking place before us, and it gives us hope, a strange feeling to have. The girl, her arm elbow deep in her shadow, cries out, as she rips off its veil. Chains lie below, attached to her at the waist, at the ankles, at the wrists. Slowly, she begins to unwrap them, letting each chain fall, hissing, onto the burnt out ground below. After years, she finally has removed all the chains, and she glances about. Around her, everything becomes real, no longer just paint and dread. Smiling, she walks past, and fills me with confidence. The few of us that saw her, all begin to stand, if only to watch her as she walks away.