There was absolutely nothing i coud do about it. Nothing...
The sun was facing east when my mother died. I was in my grandmother's old van driving to the hospital. The windows were rolled down and the wind was drying up the warm tears going down my white face. From the corner of my eye i could see grandmother's red, sad eyes filling with more and more tears. I could feel my heart throbing from sorrowness and the sweat forming on my bruised hands. I took a deep gulp and closed my eyes. My mind was focused on how my mother died. I could picture it, now... It was not long ago she died. I remembered how exactly and when exactly she died. May 21, 1949, only one day ago. I felt like i did something wrong. Guiltyness was overpowering me. I witnesssed her death and no one else. I haven't told anybody i witnessed her death so no one knows. I didn't just witness it i was in it. I could've sacrificed my life for her but it was to late.
My eyes were on her and i remember her telling me seven important words. "Go... Run... they are after you..." The Earth was taking her, not wanting her to live on it anymore. I wonder where she went; heaven, hell, or the center of the Earth?
But i still didn't do anything for her... Like i said i can never do anything about it. Nothing...
coming soon- part 2 (i will actually make it no joke)