• Sophie Martinez was the kind of girl you would call the "girl next door". she was quiet and in the shadows type of girl, yet she had a big secret . She had the ability to control and grow her own plants.She also could communicate and under stand animal languages. With these powers she did nothing,unless you count the most beautiful garden on her apartment balcony and her zoo of a room pets. But that was all about to change....
    See Sophie was different, besides the magical part.She worked as a newspaper assistant as a cover up for for really job she was a...
    "SOPHIE COME BRING ME A LATTE ON THE DOUBLE!" The screams of her boss Ms.Pinple,aka Ms. Pimple,shredded her thoughts. "I'm coming," she rumbled back as she ran to the latte machine.
    ' Here you are Ms.Pinple ,"Sophie said as she gave the warm drink to her boss.
    " Ahhh At's OT At's OT," The Pimple screamed with a burn one her tongue.
    Just then a crash came through the window. Strange Muscular men jumped in the window. They were wearing all black and FBI Agent badges. "We're looking for Sophie Martinez. Where is she?!?!?" screamed the one in front who appeared to be the leader.
    Sophie how ever was already gone.
    Down the back alley she went. Many dark passages and three alley ways later a Dark Volvo Convertible stood out in the bright sun shine. Sophie got in turned it on silently and it speed of with speed almost impossible for such a quiet vehicle.
    She sighed contently as she went back to life on the run...