• Chapter ~1~

    Derez is ridding down a highway on a motor scooter with his goggles on a he turns left

    Derez- Dang it! I'm gonna be late! I'm gonna miss class!

    He turns and cuts a corner as he pulls up to his school

    ~After Class~

    Derez- Man! that test was hard!

    He walks out of the class room door as he is jumped on by a girl as she lays ontop of him

    Angel- Derez! you said we could go on a ate tonight! we are gonna go to the movies!

    Derez- Uhhh yea, about that....

    Angel- LETS GO!

    Derez quickly slides out from under her and quickly grabs a test tube on hi science desk. As he throws it onto the ground, a large cloud of purple gas engulfs the room as dashes out the class room

    Angel- *cough cough* Hey! *cough* Derez! awww!!!

    Derez heads back to his bike as he drives off

    Derez- (Wonder what sonia is doing....)

    A sudden quake shakes Derez off his bike as he falls over a small bridge and into the back of a large truck which is being chased by a royal Britannian nightmare, and one regular

    Pilot #1- We have secured the truck Lord Stago

    Stago- Excellent, now show them our true power!

    the regular shots missiles at the truck as it crashes into a nearby tunnel as derez is rumbled around in the back, ad stumbles onto a small orb

    Derez- W-W-What the? whats this?

    Derez touches it as a white haired, red eyed girl (D.D.) comes out and falls into his arms. she slowly comes to.

    D.D.- hello, my names DD, or D.D, I,ve been wating Derez

    Derez- How do you now my name? huh?

    The girl leans forward and kisses Derez deeply and the backs off

    D.D.- I hope you can use the power i gave you, once the time is right

    The girl smiles as the back door swings open and 20 Britannian men sit outside

    Derez- Thanks for saving-

    Derez suddenly falls over as the girl is suddenly shot as she falls over dead infront
    of him

    Derez- w-w-w-why?

    Man #1- Sorry kid, you have seen to much, like your friend there. But dont worry, you will join her soon enogh

    Derez runs into the back of the truck as he hides

    Derez- (no! NO! this cant happen! i cant die! i have to survive!)

    D.D.- (You want to live?)

    Derez suddenly sees a picture of D.D. in his head as she starts to glow

    D.D.- (Do you want power?)

    Derez- (Y-Y-YES! i want power! enough to destroy them all!!)

    D.D.- (Very well, in exchange you must grant my wish)

    The dead girl's hand sticks up as Derez runs and grabs it and kisses her lips lightly

    Derez- I accept!

    A light engulfs Derez as it fades and he rises to his feet and walks torward the soldiers

    Derez- So, your gonna kill me right?

    Man #1- I have no choice, you have seen to much

    The man raises his gun to Derez as Derez raises his head to reveal his left eye which change color to purple, and has a strange symbol in it

    Man #1- W-W-WHAT?

    Derez looks into all the mens eyes

    Derez- I understand now...lost memories...i understand! now...Derez Si Britannia commands you! al of you! DIE!

    the image in Derez's eye swirls and soars into all the soldiers

    Man #1- heheheheheh HAPPILY YOUR HIGHNESS!

    All the soldier and the man put their gun to their necks

    Man #1- FIRE!

    As all the men smile happily, they shot their guns, blowing each of their brains clean out as Derez stand laughing

    Derez- Now i understand....i must rise to my throne...the rightful heir to Lelouch...and the Succeser of Zero....i am...CHAOS!