• Introduction: Part 1

    "Mr Cooper!" a voice shouted, snapping Sebastian Cooper's head up suddenly.
    He mumbled a soft 'Sorry' to his homeroom teacher, Ms Stine. She just nodded and went about her lesson.

    The seventeen year old sighed and decided to actually listen to her rant, even though no one else did. But what caught his attention was when she mentioned a partner project.

    "You will all have a chance to pick out your partner, but if you can not handle it, I will assign your partner and there will be no discussion." Ms Stine said in an irritated tone. She had no time for foolishness. She continued, "Note: This is a boy-girl poetry project. So you most likely won't get partnered with your posse. It will be due-"

    "Miss, what doe that mean? It sounds like pus-" a boy named Jayson Smith started.

    Ms Stine cut off his inappropriate start.

    ''It's a team. A group, Mr Smith. Got it?'' She asked firmly. Jayson nodded slowly as the rest of the class silently snickered when he made a rude comment. Fortunately for Jayson, Ms Stine did not hear his smart remark which most likely would've gotten him expelled.

    Sebastian sighed when the bell rang, signaling the end of class, as well as the school day. He grabbed his belongings as soon as possible and walked out the class.


    Hey guys. I'm sorry it's so short but I promise I'll post the next part tomorrow. There will be three parts for the introduction, just to get the story flowing and Sebastian's personality out, as well as upcoming characters and his status in school and at home.
