• Cara stood, arms wide and eyes open staring into the dark. Letting it take her on a journey. Letting the wind swoop up the fallen pedals on the ground under her. Letting the sun shine on her face and giving her warmth. Letting her barrier fall and crumble to the ground. Letting the trees dance around her and toss out their leaves. Staring into the dark and thinking about what put it there.Thinking about what put everything there and about what put love there. Thinking about the way love cut her and thinking about how she was the only one who could see the scars. Staring into the dark. Seeing that it doesn't matter if she's been hurt, Because like nature, she knew she could move on, that after a good rain, the grass was greener. Seeing that after all, she was wiser now and that seeing that staring into nothing at all, could help you see a lot more than staring into some boy's eyes.
    There Cara stood. A wiser girl, a more radiant girl. Because staring into the darkness, can make you brighter than the stars.