• Day 15
    well i found out the names for the other two guys... one is name Chad the other James we found a spot that is perfect for a hideout... it has plenty of soda, food and a few weopons.. a shotgun, hunting rifle, and a pistol altho there is isnt enuf ammo to last more than a week ..that is if there are many of the infected... Chad, James, and I are gonna check for the survivors.. we kinda walked farther from the sound its mroe quiet in this area i really dont like it...

    Day 16
    well it seems the room the guys and i are hiding in is accualy the power room or watever you call it so we have cameras so we know where everything is, a radio, and now we turned all the lights on in the sewer.. god i just wish it had a giant air freshener.. it stinks like shiz in here...

    Day 17
    okay i checked the camera's and i saw about 12 surviors with one side barricaded and the other caged... with a ladder in the middle of the room so they can get out anytime... i hope they dont leave the entrance to the sewer open like the other place... if they do we are all scrweed cuz on the other side of the hidout i noticed Chad forgot to close to sewer covering thing... we gotta get over there and clsoe it quickly.. one of the cameras.. well.. i cant even see theres somthing covering it.. kind of like a splatter of somthing...

    Day 18
    okay.. well that was a bit close i could have sworn i saw IT looking straight at me while i was closing the entrance.. idk but it was creepy.. but something loud kind of like... banged ... it was in the sewer.. i wonder what it was.. im going to check out the other end of the barricade witht he other survivors soon enough.. i hope ....it...or any of.. the in the infected got in...

    Day 19
    oh crap that was close... there wasn't so many this time.. they did get in im glad we had guns it was easier.. we managed to save about 4 guys the other 7 died were caught, cornered, tripped or something else. luckily the barricade, the guys made ,held back most of them and gave us more time to run... im starting to like this.. i tried asking all of the survivors how they all got in.. but they were all studdering.. i couldn't understand what they were saying but i think one of em' said IT found out and just... broke it open... o well we are gonna be screwed unless we get out soon... and get more ammo... shiz...

    Day 20
    Dam the infected are weak... They tried breakin down the door but it only made a few dents..i looked through the cameras and they are really starting to build up at the door and i could have sworn i saw somthing jump really fast... it wuz creepy... I even saw one with a long.. draggy like tongue... WE gotta do somthing about this before they accually do break down the door...

    Day 21
    Whoa its hard to believe its already the third week of this... its goin by pretty quick... but so far there are lots of dents and bumps in the door and it looks alot like the infected are guna break it down soon im getting a small little barrier type spot so incase they do break in soon they cant get to us that easily and we cant get easy kills...