• Once upon a time, there was a young faerie girl Heather, who worked in a castle in a hidden knigdom. She told stories to the king's children. Her sister became jealous and told the king that Heather was telling stories about the king, portraying him as a cruel man. The king ordered her to be stoned to death. Before she died, since she was part faerie, she turned into a faerie tree, which possessed special gifts. Years later, the smallest princess, Amanda, finds the tree, and begs for help, for she is in danger...

    King Harold was FURIOUS. He had heard from a servant that his favorite daughter, Amanda, was in the orchard. She knew she was forbidden to go there. The king slapped his daughter with his scepter. "I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM THERE!" Amanda cowered at the sight of her father. The king calmed down a bit. "Why did you go there?" he asked. "To-to w-walk, F-father." The king pondered this. "Well, why that orchard, my dear? We have dozens." Amanda said "To see the pretty tree, Father. May I have it?"
    "And which one was that, Amanda?"
    "The one with the golden leaves, Father."
    King Harold relaxed. He knew Heather could do no more harm now. "You may have that tree, child. I will have the gardener replant it into your garden."
    "Oh, thank you Father!" Amanda ran out of the room.
    Two Years Later
    "Heather! Heather!" Amanda collapsed at the golden tree, sobbing. Slowly, a young girl emerged from the tree.
    "What is it, my dear princess?" Heather was alarmed. She never saw Amanda like this. "It's Father." the child sobbed.
    "What is it, princess?"
    "He's dead."