• The night was pitch black, nothing showed. No stars appeared, and the moon had vanished.
    Sarah lay lying in a field of moss. She woke up with a startle. Why was she here? She heard small footsteps and the crinkle of dead leaves, as a small hairy creature scurried across the field.
    She sat up, staring at the animal. Strangely, she began to feel very odd, there was a need inside her, a need for blood.
    Slowly, Sarah crept up on the rodent. Her footsteps light and her breath silent. She neared the creature, and pounced. It screeched and darted towards a hole, but Sarah was too fast for the mouse, and it was completely helpless against her thrust.
    She devoured her prize, in large gulps. Then Sarah sat there, against an old tree, staring down at what she'd done. Soon she felt sorry for the little creature, and burried in into the earth, where it could rest peacefully, as she would never do that night.