More Than Happy Endings #1
I woke one morning, the colors filling into my room from my window as my eyesight started to return. I rose up, my pink and green polka- dotted blanket landing with a thump on the floor. With my pink, baggy silk pajamas flowing behind me, I walked halfway across the room, when I stubbed my toe on something. I brushed away my auburn hair from my eyes, and just stared.
There was the biggest book I've ever seen! As far as I could tell, it was roughly a thousand pages. The book was probably leather bound as far as I knew. On the cover, stamped in gold ink was the smudged letters that were the words The Real Stories. I put my hands on the book. I swear I felt a pulse on that book as soon as I touched it.
"What the heck," I muttered and picked up the book. Thankfully, the book weighed less than an encyclopedia. I went and sat on my bed, picking up my blanket as I did so. "Now let's see what's inside," I said, about to turn the front to the first page when a sealed envelope slid from the book and onto my lap. In fancy, curly writing and in black ink, there was my name, Zoey, on the front. I opened it and a folded letter and a clear pendant with what I think is a sort of black fluid on a worn down leather cord. The letter was in the same fancy scrawl as on the envelope and it said:
My Dear Zoey,
Once you receive this book, do NOT read it. If you do, you shall know the truth. Zoey, love, the things in this book are a curse. They make all sorts of things happen... Bad things. Some of the events in this book are too great for us to take control of. I know this is sudden, what with your curious behavior and all, but you must face the fact that you must not look in this book. I know this part of your life will be hard for you, but you must understand that this is what happens when you are destined for an unexplained thing. Zoey, the pendant sent to you with this letter is for emergencies only. It holds enough energy to destroy the entire human race. Sweetie, I cannot tell you everything, but here is one, the spirits have come. They will be looking for the book and you must guard it with your life. The book contains stories that people like to think are, so- called, 'fairy tales.' They have the stories of all the princesses I told you when you were still a baby, but they all have different endings... Horrific endings. The princesses were once real and powerful leaders. Remember that this is something that cannot be found a solution to in any book. This is a part of your life where you must only rely on your instincts. I know you will be a great protecter. I'm sorry to have put you under all this. But remember, I will always love you, now and forever. I'm sorry.
Be Safe,
A tear ran down my face. What? This letter is like something someone would say before they die. But really, Mom? But, my real mom is right down stairs... This can't be right. I checked the date, May 21, 1996. The day I was born? What? Plus, what's with all this darkness stuff? This is so not me. I threw the book and the letter on my bed. Then, I dropped the pendant into my jewelry box.
Since it was Saturday, I hurried down the stairs and plopped myself down on a chair. My dad and mom were making pancakes when I sat down. "Morning, kiddo," my dad said as he put down a fresh batch of chocolate chip pancakes and ruffled my hair. "Good morning, dad. Good morning, mom," I greeted them. "Mom, did you leave a book in my room?" I asked. "No, sweet heart, I didn't," she replied. What? I'll ask dad about it later. Better late, than never. I scarfed down my pancakes and ran back upstairs.
Something isn't right. I felt a knot in my stomach form and tighten with every step I took towards my room. I hesitated when I came to my door. The knot in my stomach was making me want to barf. "Nothing is wrong, it's just your imagination," I muttered to myself as I creaked open my door and came face to face with my first ever, so- called, 'evil spirit.'
Oh my god. My life just gets weirder and weirder.
More Than Happy Endings #1
sorry, it's really late. this is a thing i made in english in the 6th grade. i found it among some of my notebooks and folders. it was like 10 pages. my writing, then, was really messy and big. *laughs* if i made any mistakes, please comment. also, comment so i can right better, please! thank you!
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